
Monday 8 March 2010

UK Welfare Benefits For The World

In yet another of those perverse court judgements that seem to be almost daily occurrences in the UK, the European Court of Justice has said some migrant families can stay in the UK and claim benefits, even if the main worker has left the country. The court, which deals with EU law, said some families must also be allowed to stay when their child was in education.

The Home Office said it was disappointed with the ruling but would not be drawn on its implications, but I'll spell it out for Brown and Co ..... it means that surrendering sovereignty to the EU has finally resulted in the complete loss of border controls in the UK. But then that's what they wanted wasn't it?

It means that we can no longer deport anyone with children in education, and that effectively means we no longer can stop anyone arriving here and claiming the right to reside here as long as they register a child for a school...... of course its the UK taxpayer who will pay for the benefits, houses and education of these people, so why should the Government care.

You can't make this stuff up ....... we live in a mad house aka an asylum.

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