
Sunday 12 September 2010

Hypocrites To A Man And Woman

One tiny church says its going to burn a copy of the Quran ..... and as usual all we hear is "Death to Christians" chanted by the 'Religion of Peace' ..... hypocrites to a man, woman and child.
  • When they blow up a Buddhist shrine ... silence over the Muslim world.
  •  When they attack Christian Churches in Egypt, Malaya, Nigeria, Sudan, Iraq and Pakistan ... silence over the Muslim world.
  • When they blow up Mosques (and Qurans) themselves in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan ... silence over the Muslim world.
  • When they shoot down Jews, or lob missiles across borders... silence over the Muslim world.
But when a 'infidel' does,well nothing in the end ..... Oh boy do they come out and threaten.

Just a Normal anti Western 'Peaceful' Mob Protest 
Then they say that it "threatens world peace" but also say that "By burning the Koran they cannot harm it" .... in which case why the fuss?

We are fools only to ourselves in tolerating this creeds threats ...... but the lick spittle's and apologists for the 'Religion of Peace'  continue to tell us that we should respect the 'sensitivities' of the followers of a regressive and backward religion, and not say or do anything to upset them, while they continue to create carnage and fear across much of the globe, well the parts stupid enough to tolerate this creeds activities.

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