
Saturday 25 September 2010

New Labour, Old Policies

The Labour Party is electing a leader today ....... you would hardly know it had been going on, from the lack of coverage by the press .... apparently, according to Lord Kinnock (a leader who failed at the national polls), the party is revived and "ready to regain the trust of the people", with  increased membership.  They now 'get it' and can resume leading the British people to a better future.

This sort of blindness is not exclusive to the 'Welsh wonder', in fact all of the candidates and their supporters have been speaking in similar terms.

Talk about hubris!

  • Not one mention of the Blair / Brown years or wars.
  • Absolutely no apology for the reckless spending that's hamstrung the economy.
  • No discussion of the social and economic consequences of mass third world immigration into the UK.
  • No promises to never impose a prime minister on the UK without an election (oddly they would still be in power if they had done this at the time). 
In fact no acknowledgement that the Labour party has in anyway had a hand in creating the unhappy mess that's the UK.

It's been one of the strangest sights of this summer, watching the Labour Party act and sound as though it hadn't been in power for the last 14 years, and that it wasn't just  on the 6th of May that they surrendered power (Yes, just 20 weeks ago) ..... I

Full UK Scoreboard   Party Seats    Gain   Loss   Net    Votes            %       +/-%

Conservative                     307                    100        3      +97     10,726,614    36.1    +3.8
Labour                               258                     3            94     -91       8,609,527   29.0    -6.2
Liberal Democrat             57                        8           13      -5         6,836,824   23.0   +1.0

They got over 2 million less votes than the Conservatives, and less than 2 million more votes than the Liberals, but they 'get it' now ...... so that's OK then.

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