
Friday 27 October 2017

Life On The Streets

China is a land of endless mystery and subtly but it's also a land, in which like the literary city of Ankh-Morpork, and little Italy in 1950's New York, private life is often led on the streets.

Life In The Streets In Turn Of The Century Mulberry Street, New York City (Little Italy)

Events in Yulin City lived up to this when a man, his wife and his lover enacted an eternal scene in front of dozens of bystanders. However there was a twist as it was the wife and the lover who were partnered against the man. The fight which apparently started indoors, spilled on to street as the two vengeful vixens punched and kicked the errant husband. He was naked apart from his underpants and his face and back were bloodied as the assaults continued.

He attempted a drunken (or possibly concussed) kung-fu kick at one of the women, and actually landed at least one punch but they simply redoubled their attacks by hitting him with their shoe heels. All this to the great amusement of an excited crowd. Matters drew to a head when one of the women shouted "kill him".

Yulin City Punch Up .... Common Event.

The police finally arrived and all three were arrested. .. as usual no more reports so whether they were charged (which in China is the same as convicted), or not is not known. Yulin city is something of a wild west town as we will show in a later posting.

This reminded me of events last year when two women argued until they both had fits .... life may be controlled in China but it still has a way of bursting free regardless.


  1. That's an amazing photo of Mulberry Street. Nice to hear that blame sometimes goes to the offending party, I've never understood girlfriends who blame the other woman. That said, it makes sense from an evolutionary point of view - the other woman is competition for your bread winner and protector. That just shows how we're prisoners of our ancestral inheritance.

    1. That's interesting spin on the eternal triangle. I always assumed that it was a 'you ain't taking what I have' kind of attitude on the wives part, combined with the fact that the wife was still in love with her husband (while he obviously wasn't in love with her any more), and couldn't let go.

      Probably later when the shock of betrayal wears off, the wives blame their husbands but not initially.


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