
Friday 2 February 2018

Bright Sparks

A poll found that a third of Brits claim that day dreaming unlocks their most creative thoughts ....

Wonder Woman Suddenly Realised That Sometimes An Invisible Plane Sucks ....

.... with one in ten saying this occurred most often whilst sitting on the toilet.

There are a number of places where well known figures have found inspiration, many include the bathroom.

Woody Allen claims that he did his best thinking in the shower. While Steve Jobs would sit on top of a toilet and dangle his bare feet in the water while thinking or reading - an article he read on phone hackers led Steve Jobs to create the Apple computer with Steve Wozniak.

Yoshiro Nakamatsu, the inventor of the floppy disc amongst other things would use near deliberate death drowning in the bath, and claimed that he would visualize an invention half a second before death, and then write it down on an underwater notepad.

Video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto at Nintendo said that long soaks in the bath led to the inspiration for Donkey Kong. That idea led to another great gaming franchise involving a plumber named Mario. Archimedes came up with the principles of density and buoyancy when watching water flow as he drew a bath.

J.K. Rowling said that when she was stuck on a train for four hours (an experience most rail travellers in the UK can sympathise with), she came up with the storyline for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. But Gertrude Stein's best ideas came to her in the car - while she was looking at cows. She would write for only 30 minutes a day, driving around to a farm and stopping at different cows until she found the one that most inspired her.

John Lennon suddenly got the idea for the song "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!" from looking at an interesting poster in an antique shop. He pulled out a little poster which had more or less the whole lyric of the song ‘Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!’ on it. Similarly he wrote 'Dear Prudence' after meeting Prudence Farrow when the Beatles went to India to study with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Nikola Tesla came up with his idea for alternating electric currents while out on a leisurely stroll with a friend. While Thomas Edison treated idea generation like any other task, often forcing out dozens of ideas, knowing that the vast majority of them were probably useless.


  1. Nevermind where Edison was when he had an idea, what appeared above people's heads before the invention of the light bulb? Yes I know that Edison didn't actually invent the light bulb.
    Being for the Benefit of Mr.Kite is one of my least favourite Beatles tracks, not least of all because of the fairground organ music in it.

    1. 1. No idea - did they have cartoons like that before light bulbs?
      2. Never actually heard the track. Not really a Beatles fan.

    2. Speaking of Superheros and their powers ;

      Superman was patrolling the city skies when
      he spots WonderWoman enjoying a naked
      sunbathe on her roof.

      If I use my super powers I could be in and
      out before she knows anything, Superman thinks
      to himself...

      - a second later Superman is miles away and
      WonderWoman is none the wiser

      ....but the Invisible Man got the shock of his life!

    3. Ha Ha Ha .... my only one is a Xmas cracker ...
      Q. Where did Spider-Man get his powers from?
      A. The World Wide web.

    4. Rational Thought In Trouble17 February 2018 at 15:22

      Q: What's the difference between Batman and a Shop lifter?
      A: Batman can go into a store without Robin!!

      Q: What underwear does Wonder woman wear on a date?
      A: A Wonder Bra

      Q: Why is Wonder Woman stupid?
      A: Because she wears a belt on her head.

      Q: Why can't Wonder Woman drive a car?
      A: Because she's a woman.

    5. HA Ha again .... no more please! Thanks for the comment.


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