
Friday 23 February 2018

We Have Our Eye On You

In some of the backwaters of Europe, where the 19th century hasn't yet ended (never mind the 20th century), the 'Evil Eye' is still something to ward against.

Nazars - Common Across The Lands  Of The Former Ottoman Empire
Nazars - Common Across The Lands
 Of The Former Ottoman Empire
So even in Greece and many former areas of the Turkish, Ottoman Empire, eye amulets called Nazars are sold in nearly every store.

However in perhaps the most backward of all the European states, Albania, there is a further embellishment ...... Cuddly Toys.

Majmune - Defenders Of Albania
Majmune - Defenders Of Albania.

They hang over many houses and gateways .... In Albanian they're called "Majmune", meaning "monkeys" - the generic term for any soft toy. The practise of hanging these majmune is practised by both Christians and Muslims to 'protect against the evil eye.'

What makes this practice even more strange is that it only started in the 1990's after the fall of communism. The practice never featured under Enver Hoxha's regime. The garlic and Nazars etc were of course omnipresent even under communism.

Sauron Has Our Evil Eye
Sauron Has Our Evil Eye ....

In the rest of Europe and the West, lacking any evil eye culture outside of some very old gypsy curses (and imported Roma immigrants), we have had to create our own temporary evil eye.


  1. Tradition is a bad reason for continuing to do something and an even worse one for believing something. It may be useful in reminding you of something positive that you associate with the past and can be useful and benign but too often it's a fallacy which stifles discussion and inhibits progress.

    1. Have to say that I like traditions (as long as they harm no one). Generally they connect one generation with another by shared experiences. Thanks for the comment.


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