
Friday 15 June 2018

Bombast And Bluster

♫ ♪ Boastful and vainglorious ... long to Lord over us, God save Donald Trump♪♫

Nobel Prize Nominee Donald J Trump?
Nobel Prize Nominee Donald J Trump

..... or so we should expect from Nobel Peace Prize nominee Donald J Trump.

However I was more interested in the stream of consciousness that poured out of his mouth in the news conference that followed his capitulation to Kim Jong Un .... of course he doesn't see it that way.

I cant possibly begin to let you know the full flavour of what passes from this man's vacuum of a brain, and straight out of his mouth, with no apparent pause for consideration. But here's a taster (There's more here, where the full transcript is made available and contains many more pearls ~ including a discussion of reporters hair ~ from the mouth of the man called The Donald by his supporters).

He doesn't need notes from his meeting as "I have one of the great memories of all time." .... but he can't apparently remember Stormy Daniels.

"I may stand before you in six months and say, hey, I was wrong." But "I don’t know that I’ll ever admit that. But I’ll find some kind of an excuse." ... the honest liar.

Lord Protector In The Making D J Trump
Lord Protector In The Making D J Trump ....

"I had an uncle who was a great professor for, I believe, 40 years at MIT. And I used to discuss nuclear with him all the time. He was a great expert. He was a great brilliant genius." ... he comes from a family of geniuses.

"President Xi [Jinping] of China. He has really closed up that border. Maybe a little less the last couple of months. That’s okay. He really has. He is a terrific person and friend of mine. Really the great leader of his people." .... friend to another communist life dictator.

"It’s my honour today to address the people of the world following the very historic summit with Chairman Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Spent very intensive hours together." .... Err actually 38 minutes. Swiftly followed by "My meeting with Chairman Kim was honest, direct, and productive. We got to know each other well in a very confined period of time." .... so not hours then.

"He [Kim Jong Un] is very talented. Anybody that takes over a situation like he did at 26 years of age and is able to run it and run it tough. I don’t say he was nice or say anything about it. He ran it, few people at that age. You can take 1 out of 10,000 could not do it." ..... Well if you inherit your position and wealth from daddy its often easier. Of course Mr Trump inherited start up money from his father, so has a lot in common with a hereditary communist leader.

Oh and "Otto Warmbier is a very special person and he will be for a long time in my life. His parents are good friends of mine" .... Otto Warmbier was of course the US student arrested in North Korea in January 2016, and then subjected to a sham trial and then a forced TV confession, sentenced to 15 years, and was then returned to the US after 17 months in a coma, where he subsequently died.

"I know a lot about airplanes. Very expensive." .... yes really, he said that to the worlds press. Finally "It’s a very great moment in the history of the world." ... whether he means the press conference utterances, or the meeting with Kim Jong Un, or the meaningless document that they signed, I cant tell you ....

Its truly breathtaking that this man is President of the United States of America. Americans must be very proud that their democracy is so open, that it can allow such man to rise to the very top in both business and politics, when he may not have done so in other countries.

You can of course follow his every word here ... The free world is truly safe tonight.


  1. Truly amazing. The most amazingnest thing... I can't tell you. Covfefe.

    With a bit of luck "his major intestine will leap up his neck and throttled his brain in a desperate bid to save life and civilisation"

    We can but hope.

    1. Just for those not in the know. 'covfefe' ... literally means covfefe. It originated from Donald Trump's tweet: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe" .... we assume he meant 'coverage' ... but we will never know for sure.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sadly although I may agree with sentiments, the F Word is not appropriate.


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