
Friday 22 June 2018

Insulting The Incels

I freely admit that I had never heard the term Incel until very recently, when the Toronto van attack brought both the term, and one who defined himself by it, to world attention.

Incel Alek Minassian Wont Be In A Cell Alone Too  Often Over The Rest Of His Life Behind Bars
Alek Minassian Wont Be In A Cell Alone Too
Often Over The Rest Of His Life Behind Bars  ...

The Toronto attacker, Alek Minassian, is a man with many issues (which probably goes without saying, given his actions), but he also describes himself as an Incel and faces 13 Murder charges (mostly women).

His last Facebook post read: "The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!" 

The Incel Rebellion
The Incel Rebellion .....

..... which to me would have been cryptic gobbledegook .... but once you know that Incel means "Involuntarily Celibate", then you can start to unravel this statement, and enter if you choose, into the murky world of the male failure.

There is it appears a dark underground sub-culture of losers and misogynists, who gather around the web camp-fires, deep in the dark web woods, to discuss how women ('Stacys') are all against them, and how successful males ('Chads') get all the looks and girls. Generally the views promoted (and thus reinforced by group harmonics), are that women are money-grabbing, promiscuous and manipulative and worthy of both sexual assault and death.

Elliot Rodger ~ Incel And Mass Murderer
Elliot Rodger ~ Incel And Mass Murderer

 ... while at the very far reaches of these groups are those, like Mr Minassian who approve of  killers such as Elliot Rodger, who they identify as an Incel like them. The forums and message boards harbouring these males are hidden in plain sight, and some such the subreddit group for these males are now closed, but no doubt there are plenty more of these groups around on the dark web.

From what I can gather, the men in these groups often have other social exclusion issues, such as poor job statuses, low self esteem, and mental health issues, apart from their inability to find a female companion, and that in fact its usually these issues that first stop them getting girlfriends, and then drive them into the Incel groups. These then become self-reinforcing issues, forever locking them out of the world of normal social interactions that they originally wanted.

'The Chad' - In Incel Memes The Jawline Is Important Apparently.
'The Chad' - In Incel Memes The Jawline Is Important Apparently.

Now it has to be said that most men have gone without a girlfriend for some time (sometimes years), and don't resort to this sort of mindset. Some go though a number of relationships, and then decide that its not going to happen for them, and voluntarily opt out of the mating game when they reach an age where the problems related to entering fresh relationships, are deemed greater than the advantages.

So actually these men are not alone in their celibacy, but I guess its the involuntary nature (as they see it), of their lack of sexual contact that drives them into the warm embrace of their like minded failures on the web  .... for an observer like me its an interesting phenomena thats almost entirely a web product.

These people could never have met others with similar thoughts on the nature of male and female relationships until the Internet came along. In this regard its similar to Islamic Jihadism, which is also fuelled by the nature of the web, which allows people from around the globe to share in a belief.

It also makes you wonder what other groups are festering in forums out there. 


  1. Another group of people from around the globe to meet via the Web is the Flat Earthers. ;)

  2. There's more than the internet and the method of murder that links this incel and Jihadis; misogyny.

    1. Very true and a point well made ... something for us to all ponder on.

  3. Actually the dark web harbours many worse groups than the largely rudderless incels. Drug and gun runners. People traffickers, spy's and money launderers.

    Who knows, even the Illuminati may be lurking there.

    1. The illuminati eh? I had not considered that possibility. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Oddly Incel stories still pop up now and then ....

  5. The case of Alek Minassian has only just come to court. Justice moves very slowly these days.

    1. Thanks for the link Steve. I note that he's also claiming mental illness (the dreaded Asperger syndrome ... the defence mental illness of choice!!). It does seem a very long time to await a trial. I cant suggest why that should be. Thanks again for the comment. Always appreciated.

  6. The Plymouth gunman claimed that he was an incel before he killed five people and then himself.

    .... sad little wankers is more the truth.

    1. Can't disagree with you FG ... they are dangerous because they are stupid. Thanks for the comment.


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