
Friday 8 June 2018

Sex Sucks

The reported syphilis cases in the UK are at their highest levels since 1949.

AIDS A Warning From History
AIDS A Warning From History

There were 7,137 new cases diagnosed in 2017. The rise is fuelled by homosexual males who make up nearly four fifths of the cases. The highest risk age group is the 25-34 group.

The troops brought back a range of sexual diseases as they were demobbed  after WWII. But for decades the number of cases fell as drug treatments became widespread, with a rise during the sexual liberation of the 1960's, but a dip again after the AIDS crisis broke.

Cases of syphilis, England and Wales, 1931 to 1999
Cases of syphilis, seen in genitourinary clinics England and Wales, 1931 to 1999

.... but have shown a gradual, then dramatic rise since then .... however amongst the non homosexual males the figures are stable and in line with population rises.

Recent Syphilis Rise Is Worrying For Homosexual Males
Recent Syphilis Rise Is Worrying For Homosexual Males .....

I presume this group are too young to remember the AID's / HIV plague warnings about unprotected sex ....

Condom Advice Doesn't Just Apply To Sailors
The Advice Doesn't Just Apply To Sailors ...

... advice that's just as pertinent for Syphilis as well as HIV today as it was back then.

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