
Friday 1 February 2019

Fowl Abuse

Parrots have featured in these posts before.
Fowl Mouthed Jessie

So it will be no surprise when I include another one in the posts.

Jessie is a Macaw, who lives in North London. The fire brigade were called when her owner thought she must be injured when she flew on to a neighbouring roof and stayed there for 3 days.

She contacted the RSPCA who called in the London Fire Brigade to rescue the colourful if wayward Ave.The fire brigade were advised to try bonding with the bird by saying "I love you" to which the bird usually responded the same .... all went well initially, and Jessie responded ‘I love you’ back.

But then it wasn't just the plumage that was colourful, and Jessie then decided not to be friends with a torrent of fowl mouthed abuse .... Jessie, also speaks Turkish and Greek, so the fire brigade tried telling her to ‘come’ in both those languages too. but she then flew off to a tree. The fire brigade F*cked Off and left, as Jessie had advised.

Jessie returned home "of her own accord" on the following Monday afternoon. Moral of this tale? Why, don't piss with the parrot.


  1. It's another example of the effects of identity politics; this avian incel had just had enough! It exhibited classic signs of resentment and self loathing. Arm the Firefighters!

    Bootiful plumage though.

    1. I have always had a soft spot for parrots .... I always suspect that they understand what they are saying when its rude.


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