
Friday 12 July 2019

Smile Please

Its long been known that the Etruscans (900 BC–100 BC) of northern Italy, who were contemporaries of the early Roman Republic, were very experimental in their medical treatments, particularly dentistry. 

Etruscan Dentistry Was Advanced
Etruscan Dentistry Was Advanced

In particular their gold band bridgework as opposed to the gold wires which are seen in other cultures (Egyptians, Phoenicians) of the same time.

But there has been recent evidence that takes the age of dentistry back thousands of years. Until now the earliest evidence of dental filling came from a  6,500-year-old human tooth from Slovenia, which showed that beeswax had been used to fill cavities.

Now archaeologists at the University of Bologna unearthed the skeletal remains of a person at Riparo Fredian, near Lucca in northern Italy. The person, who lived around 13,000 years ago still had two front teeth (or upper central incisors), both of which had big holes in the surface that reach down to the tooth's pulp chamber.

Mesolithic Teeth With Drilled Cavities
Mesolithic Teeth With Drilled Cavities

Inside the drilled out tooth cavities (apparently done with microliths - tiny stone tools), there were traces of bitumen, a tar-like substance (as well as plant fibre and hair), that all might have been used as an antiseptic or a filling to protect the tooth from getting infected.

As this is from before the switch to agriculture, which is when its traditionally thought that carbohydrate-rich diets led to an enormous increase in dental caries, it shows that there appears to have been an increase of dental problems in the Mesolithic period, ice age hunter-gatherer communities, that drove some populations to develop new dental treatments.      

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