
Friday 26 July 2019

Who Owns A Womans Body?

Feminists campaigners have secretly filmed at the Spearmint Rhino strip club in Sheffield. They also recently hired more private investigators to secretly film strippers in Manchester .....

Strip Clubs Come In Various Guises ....

Not Buying It, the organisation responsible for this secret filming of ladies bodies, claim the recordings, which are taken without the performers permission, shows sexual acts taking place in the clubs, and which breaks the licensing rules governing these establishment.

However the strippers at Spearmint Rhino are fighting for the right to strip for money. This is a vital and good income for many of the ladies, who otherwise might have to resort to other, more dangerous means of supporting their families.
Ella, a stripper at the club Leeds club, said that she was furious with Not Buying It for secretly filming the dancers naked, and fears losing her job, as the club she works for may now lose their licence. Daisy a Manchester stripper said "We have a right to our body, despite what we do for a job, and they've taken that right completely away from us."

The United Voices of the World Union (UVW) who represent marginalised workers in various industries, including sex workers and strippers, has compared Not Buying It's actions to "revenge porn," which had "violated women's right to privacy." It said "Sharing undercover footage of naked women constitutes revenge porn and UVW will take legal action against anyone who uses this tactic to harm our members."

Its also a fact, that secret filming of a woman without her permission is surely just another form of 'upskirting', which is now illegal in the UK ..... but hey, like many others, I have noticed that certain pressure groups consider any laws that hinder them, can simply be ignored, in their pursuit of their own self proclaimed higher moral values. So for example many who support, anti-abortion, anti-hunt saboteurs, animal rights groups, anti-nuclear or anti-fracking groups, will often resort to threats, harassment, interference, and disruption of the lives of people who are performing perfectly legal activities.

Often the law fails to protect those people who are going about their legal business, and allows these groups to act very much like low grade (and in some cases not so low grade), terrorists. So the zealots and extremist campaigners rarely worry about the law .... after all, in their eyes, their rights always supersede others, and therefore justify any and all, morally and legally reprehensible actions.

I think that we can see an element of this view in the statement of Dr Sasha Rakoff, the CEO and a founder of Not Buying It (as well as another similar pressure group OBJECT), and who assisted the secret filming, when she insists this secret filming (without the performers permission or knowledge), was the only way to expose the dark side of the industry. In other words the performers legal and privacy rights don't count .... apparently they don't know what they are doing, or are misguided and need to be protected from themselves etc etc.

Sadly, the ladies who work in sex industry are considered not owners of how they use their bodies or earn a living, at least apparently in the views of the feminists who run these pressure groups. I wonder what gives these campaigners the right to determine how other women, who don't necessarily have the same economic opportunities as they do, can make a living? I don't suppose that these campaigners have ever wondered where their kids next meals are going to come from .... speaking as one who came from a single parent (male) family, I fully understand what its like to go without.

My Choice - A Woman's Right

The ladies who perform in these establishments have the right to be safe, unpressurised by either owners, patrons, or campaigners. They also most certainly have the rights to do what they want with their own bodies, and over who has permission to film them ... the Right To Choose used to be a feminist campaign slogan, but apparently that's only for middle-class women.  


  1. Pressure groups often fall in to the mind set that their world view is the only view possible.

    1. Not going to argue with that observation .... its a fact that joining a group of the like minded sets up a mutual reinforcement of prejudices loop, that means that they soon disassociate from a rational perspective. Thanks for the comment.


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