
Friday 20 March 2020

China Rules, OK?

Zhai Guiyun, the Vice President and Secretary-General of the World Civilisation Research Association has made the claim that the English language is actually a dialect of Chinese. 

Wolf Warrior Scholars - World  Civilisation Research Association
Wolf Warrior Scholars - World
Civilisation Research Association.

He cited as 'proof' that several English words had their roots in Mandarin.

He said that 20 years’ research into the English language had confirmed this, and he gave as a couple of examples; the English word “yellow” is closely related to the Mandarin words for ‘fallen leaf," and “heart,” sounds suspiciously like the Mandarin word meaning “core.” ... he said.

He then ruined any shred of credibility the groups scholars might have been able to hide behind, by going on to add that there were similarities, too, between the Chinese Mandarin language and words in Russian, French, German and other European languages.

His colleague, Professor Zhu Xuanshi thinks that this proves that all European history before the 15th century is a lie, formulated to cover up Chinese domination of the world in previous centuries. This was because the Europeans found the fact of a global Chinese empire “humiliating,” so they agreed to 'edit history', to hide the fact that they are just a “sub-civilisation” of Chinese culture.

Du Gangjian, the association founder, issued a call to arms for Chinese historians, saying “Do not let fake centred history, hinder the great Sino-Renaissance.” He confirmed that the World Civilisation Research Association has set up offices in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Thailand, South Korea and Madagascar to correct history. One sceptical commentator in Taiwan said - “Thanks, we can no longer laugh at the Koreans, who claimed Confucius and Genghis Khan are Korean.”

Dali Skull Some Chinese Nationalist  'Scholars' Believe Makes Them Unique
Dali Skull Some Chinese Nationalist
'Scholars' Believe Makes Them Unique

However, much like the Nazi Anthropology in the 1930's, that claimed Aryan's were the master race and the current Hindu scholars in India, who backed by the extremist BJP's government, are rewriting Indian history to claim ancient Hindu flying machines, genetic engineering, laser beams and sundry other devices to show that it was they who were the dominant world civilisation in ancient times, there is also a school of Chinese 'science' that proposes that the ancient Chinese didn't come 'out of africa' (despite DNA evidence that they did), but are a separate species of humanity. This claim is based on a skull found 40 years ago, and known as the Dali skull, which has some unusual attributes. However many scientists still contend that the Chinese find is just another Homo-Erectus.

Most Chinese palaeontologists in the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) in Beijing, plus a few ardent supporters from the West, think that the transitional fossils found in China are evidence that Peking Man was an ancestor of modern Asian people. However some Western researchers have pointed out that there is a hint of nationalism in many Chinese palaeontologists' support for the idea of the continuity of Chinese evolution (untouched by outside hominid developments, until homo-sapien's integrated with them). One summed it thus “The Chinese, they do not accept the idea that H. Sapiens evolved in Africa. They want everything to come from China.”

To be fair, not all Chinese scientists back this nationalism ... Li Hui, a population geneticist at Fudan University in Shanghai, has pointed out that studies of Chinese populations show that 97.4% of their genetic make-up is from ancestral modern humans from Africa, with the rest coming from extinct forms such as Neanderthals and Denisovans. “If there had been significant contributions from a Chinese H. erectus, they would show up in the genetic data.” 

These forms of nationalistic racial and cultural superiority theory and teaching, are all disturbingly like the Nazi's Aryan theories (which oddly centred on Tibet), or the Soviets Marxist inevitability teachings. They lead to racial superiority theories and eventually to final 'solutions' ....

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