
Friday 27 March 2020

Home Alone

I never thought I would be writing a selfie post entitled "Home Alone" aka A Week Of Lockdown ....

A Prisoner Of Corona

.... about me 'social distancing'  .... defined as totally avoiding any face to face contact with the rest of the population.

To me, the term 'lockdown' brings to mind the vision of a prison lockdown after a prison riot, in which all the prisoners are confined to their cells for a week as a punishment. So that's perhaps why the term enforced social distancing was used by the government .... but it soon became lockdown in popular parlance.

So how has it been? Well I live alone, and as a single person with no family, or even real friends in the locality, I guess I am a little atypical in being totally isolated. I had predicted that a full (well fullish, as there are more loopholes than a lawyers charter), lockdown was on the way after observing that the average person was continuing their daily activities as normal, with little or no social distancing. So I had bought a bit of food, such as bread and milk, just before the lockdown was announced. I had also advised some friends that morning to go and buy any essentials before it happened ... happily two of them took the advice, and so weren't caught out later that day.

However, apart from that flurry of social activity, albeit by text message, I have been pretty much isolated .... and its beginning to wear. The unseasonal good weather hasn't actually helped .... not for me. Some men are DIYing like mad, but I am not in the mood for any of that, and would rather prefer it if it was cold and wet, so that I wouldn't be so bothered about being stuck in the house.

Still, the garden has offered some refuge, although the fact that every kid in the neighbourhood is also outside, means that its hardly a quiet refuge .... so I am normally driven inside by the din after 30 minutes. So I have the TV and radio on from the moment I wake up, until the moment I go to sleep, to break the silence that would otherwise surround me (something which in all honestly I would do normally, but this time seems more necessary because I wont be going to the pub Thursday night, nor indeed any other night for the foreseeable future).

I am not completely isolated, a couple of lady former colleagues have messaged me daily from their own towers of isolation, and we have a small Whats App group set up so that we all see each others comments. Whether they are doing this just to keep me in the social loop, or because they also are finding the days a bit wearing (at least one of them is also not physically close to her family), I still appreciate it.

Nevertheless it has been a little wearing, and its only been a week. I will have to break cover by the end of the weekend, or early next week at the latest, as the milk and bread will be gone, and I will have to use one of the loopholes and go to the shops.

In preparation I have written a list of all the items I need to buy, and then I will be locked down for another week of not so splendid isolation .... coupled with a big hit on my pension equities this week its all been and remains a terribly depressing time.   

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