Scientists have confirmed the belief that restricting eating to a strict time window in the day ...
.... and not eating at all hours helps keep weight under control.
They found that keeping all eating within a 10 hour window helped 19 mainly obese patients achieve an average of three per cent weight loss over 12 weeks in a California study.
The study group also found that they had more energy and better sleep outcomes as well as fight off diabetes. I have a time limit of 18:30 to eat my last meal of the day (with very odd exceptions for a sandwich, if I haven't been able to eat anything since breakfast for some odd reason), and my weight has been stable for years.
Strangely, if your a man who eat your meals at any time and watches a lot of TV, then you are likely to prefer thinner women. Whilst men who watch less than average levels of television, are far more tolerant of women with larger bodies.
According to Professor Lynda Boothroyd of Durham University, they showed 300 men pictures of different sized female bodies after discussing their TV habits, and it was found that those who watched TV for longer periods, preferred women's bodies that were around 7lbs lighter than the lesser TV watchers. She believes that this is because TV shows stigmatise against women with larger bodies.
Personally I think that fat women are simply generally not as attractive as slim women, and that even the difference she found in TV watching or not watching males preferences for women's sizes, could be down to something other than TV bias against fatter women.
For instance, males who sit watching TV all day are possibly going to have a less realistic view of their own attractiveness, and assume that more attractive women are attainable to couch potatoes.
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Its Not What You Eat But When You Eat That Matters .... |
.... and not eating at all hours helps keep weight under control.
They found that keeping all eating within a 10 hour window helped 19 mainly obese patients achieve an average of three per cent weight loss over 12 weeks in a California study.
The study group also found that they had more energy and better sleep outcomes as well as fight off diabetes. I have a time limit of 18:30 to eat my last meal of the day (with very odd exceptions for a sandwich, if I haven't been able to eat anything since breakfast for some odd reason), and my weight has been stable for years.
Strangely, if your a man who eat your meals at any time and watches a lot of TV, then you are likely to prefer thinner women. Whilst men who watch less than average levels of television, are far more tolerant of women with larger bodies.
According to Professor Lynda Boothroyd of Durham University, they showed 300 men pictures of different sized female bodies after discussing their TV habits, and it was found that those who watched TV for longer periods, preferred women's bodies that were around 7lbs lighter than the lesser TV watchers. She believes that this is because TV shows stigmatise against women with larger bodies.
Personally I think that fat women are simply generally not as attractive as slim women, and that even the difference she found in TV watching or not watching males preferences for women's sizes, could be down to something other than TV bias against fatter women.
For instance, males who sit watching TV all day are possibly going to have a less realistic view of their own attractiveness, and assume that more attractive women are attainable to couch potatoes.
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