
Friday 28 August 2020

Cheeky Monkeys And Other Wonders

Big Tipper

Jack Tipper was wandering along the beach in Ilfracombe, Devon England, when he tripped over a lump of 'stuff'. Closer examination showed it to be ambergris aka 'floating gold' .... whale vomit to you and me.

Ambergris - Always A Valuable Product. Vanity Fair 1861

This is a valuable product used in perfume making, and the bit found by Mr Tipper could fetch £200,000 ($275,440) ..... not to be sniffed at.

Where's My Pussy?

A short-sighted woman who called the RSPCA (animal charity) to rescue a cat trapped under a wardrobe, had to be told that it was just a pair of fluffy slippers.

She Should Have Gone To SpecSavers!

She had even put out food to try and coax the animal from under the bedroom furniture in her house in Bishops Cleeve, Gloucestershire England.

Cheeky Monkeys

When chimps are taught sign language, they are usually potty trained as well. This creates strange thought patterns around pooing. They associate defecating with something bad or shameful (which isn't natural chimp behaviour or thought patterns). 

Sign Language Gave King Kong New Options!

This however gives them the chance to evolve a swear word in sign language, because some chimps will sign for doing a poo - 'dirty' - to express themselves when angry. This means that they resort less to violence if they can use a swear word, and maybe why humans invented swear words as well.

Dog Killer

Alabama rot is a dog killer that first occurred in grey hounds in the US. It has no known cure and 37 cases were reported in the UK last year.

Doggy Friends

A study at Northeastern University in Boston has found that most people in the West have more empathy for dogs than humans. When fed stories about canines being beaten, they were more upset than when they viewed similar tales about humans. Quelle Surprise!

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