
Friday 21 August 2020

Rape Is Rape, Not A Cry For Help

'Rape is Rape', and 'No means No' were the mantras of feminism in the 1970's .... (or should have been!)

No Means No ....

 .... and in the following decades, it was a cry that most of us could agree on.

However as we have moved into the strange world of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender), politics, where a persons sexuality is apparently bent in ever changing directions, often it seems to fit a fashion, so even feminists are having to adopt ever stranger ideas to accommodate these new groups.

This was highlighted by the case of a biologically active man, who claimed he 'identified as a woman', under the name of Karen White (with a history of raping women), who was sent to a female prison (without protest by female groups), and immediately sexually assaulted some female inmates. Another instance of the same kind has gone to court in the USA.

In other instances, a prison inspectors report in July 2019 had found that up to 1 in 50 male offenders male prisoners are 'identifying' as female to get extra perks, and that amongst the Irish traveler community in prison, 1 in 10 are trying the same trick - none by the way were found to have had treatment to change sex. My, what a can of worms we open when we play at transgender sexual politics.

But, the reason for this post, is the fairly recent spate of lesbians raping straight women (often by posing as a man), and the feminists responses. In these cases, it seems that whereas when a man rapes a woman, feminist groups quite rightly want prison sentences. However when a woman rapes another woman, this is not the case.

The most recent cases to come to court were:

1. Fiona Manson (aka Kyran Lee), who merely got a suspended sentence.
2. Gayle Newland, who got an eight years custodial sentence, and
3. Justine McNally, who was freed on appeal.
4. Gemma Watts (aka Jake Waton), awaiting sentence.

Social Media Helps Women As Well As Men Rapists Meet Victims .....

... in these cases, the same lesbian and feminist groups who demand prison for male attackers, say that the female rapists need 'psychiatric help', not prison.

As we have seen before, hypocrisy has never been in short supply in feminist circles, but surely this is a new low. A woman who is raped by a man, or by woman posing as a man, is still a rape victim. Raping someone is not a cry for psychiatric help .... when a man such as Reynhard Sinaga rapes other men, that's a long prison sentence without complaints that he just needs help .... so when a woman rapes another woman, that's the same thing, not something different.

Rape is rape and has to be treated as such every time, if the crime is to have any meaning at all ....

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