
Friday 7 August 2020

SuperDry Revenge

North Korea has banned women from wearing fishnets and or mini-shorts/skirts ... 

Not In North Korea Miss ....

Offending will cost £3 in fines. Teens performing K-pop dances from the south, dyeing hair blond and floral pattern tights, are also banned, as are clothes with words or phrases in English (particularly popular in the far East).

What's funny about that last ban on English phrases, is that of course one English company has made its name using an Asian mistranslation as its brand name .... SuperDry ... humour.

Smells Fishy

Jucilene Marinho of Ceara, Brazil, was born without a vagina. However in a pioneering operation to rectify this congenital condition, doctors have created and implanted a new vagina by cutting out a new one and lining it with the skin of the Tilapia fish.

Medical Science Just Gets More Adventurous .....

This lining is eventually absorbed by the skin and forms the canal walls. How they knew this would work was not explained ..... But apparently Ms Marinho is making up for lost time, and now enjoys a healthy sex life.

Penis Envy

In one of those strange far eastern medicine animal threats, the survival of the Bengal and Yellow monitor lizards are under threat.

Not because anyone believes that their body parts are of any use, but because their dried penises look like a dried root used in Indian religious festivals. The root was over harvested from the countryside and is virtually extinct, so traffickers are passing off the lizard penises as the root to buyers.

Dog Sucker

Cambodian Run Reach lived with his parents on a Cambodian farm. They went away in September 2018, leaving him in charge. He then apparently took his freedom to extremes ..... he first drank a bottle of Cambodian Wine, and then rounded up his three dogs, a hen (reported as 'pregnant'), and a cat.

Cambodian Beliefs In Ghosts Are Very Real In The Countryside .....

He then killed them all by sucking the animals blood. Its possible he killed them before sucking the blood, but the reports stated he used this method to kill them. His parents returned later that evening to find him asleep, covered in blood and looking like a 'fierce khmoc (ghost).'

But because Cambodians are very superstitious, and believe in spirits and supernatural powers, he wasn't sent to a mental hospital, but rather was referred to the local village priest. The priest exorcised him by sprinkling him with holy water, and he apparently returned to his normal state.

However they were taking no chances and he was kept in the pagoda for further cleansing rituals. But the moral I would take from this is don't get shit-faced on Cambodian wine .... its powerful stuff!

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