
Friday 24 September 2021

A Lad Insane?

Doctor Laeek (Laeeq?) Khan from the city of Meerut in Uttar Pradesh in India is a qualified man ....

Aladdin's Lamp?
Aladdin's Lamp?

..... but that doesn't stop him believing in the supernatural and mythical world.

So when two men approached him while he was dressing the wound of a woman patient at her home (following a minor local surgery), with a genuine “Aladdin Ka Chirag” (Aladdin’s magical lamp)" for sale, he was all ears. 

The men offered him a demonstration of its powers, and one, the 'tantric occultist' duly called Islamuddin showed him a Djinn (Genie) being apparently produced from the lamp, and then told the impressed doctor that he could buy and own the lamp for a large sum. The doctor made an initial payment of seven million rupees (£72,000 $101,579) as part of an agreed larger amount, and the lamp was handed over. 

Quelle surprise! When the doctor tried to conjure the Djinn to use it to gain his heart desires which was apparently to become a billionaire .... bugger all happened. After a period of time rubbing the lamp the doctor finally realised that he had been conned (Duh!) and called the police. He said he thought that the Djinn had really been the husband of his woman patient identified as Sameena.

The police duly found and arrested the conmen, Islamuddin and his friend Anees, while the search for Sameena continued as she had fled. The police also confirmed that the two men had repeated the con a number of times with different individuals, raking in a sum of several million rupees. Its believed that other victims had been too embarrassed by their own credulity to report the scam, before the indignant doctor had complained. So be careful what you wish for if  he is your doctor!

Talking of Aladdin, yet another sexually predatory Asian doctor was struck off in the UK recently (Nov 2020), when Psychology lecturer Doctor Waseem Alladin was removed from the register of practising doctors after trying to hypnotise a student to have sex with him. He had brushed the face of the mature student with a rose and claimed that she had a "serpent power" that made her "irresistible to men". He added that she was his soul-mate whom he had been waiting 600 years to be reunited with. 

When she told him to get away he then complained that she "wasn't submitting totally to him," and that if she didn't "step up and give him what he needed," that he had five other female students lined up who would. She then rather stupidly allowed him to hypnotise her and he took photos of her in this state. It then became apparent that he had attempted this with a number of female students, (including convincing one to send him a full body photo of herself, so that she might be 'healed'). 

He attempted to deflect the claims circulating the top UK University where he worked, by telling the mature student that his spirit guide had told him that one of the other females "had a darkness within her" and couldn't be trusted. Similarly, he told the younger student that she should beware of the mature student as "he had yet to work her out." 

When presented with all this at the medical tribunal, the lecherous lecturer claimed that his intentions hadn't been sexual "It has been claimed that I was sucking her toes, I was putting my thumb in her ears. That is revolting. It's not my behaviour!" .... the medical tribunal found that in fact the behaviour had been "with sexual gratification in mind" (we sometimes call it 'date rape' in the normal world), and that this professional misconduct was sufficient for him to be struck off with immediate effect.  

What makes this slightly more disturbing rather than just funny, is that the Doctor Khan who tried to buy Alladin's Lamp, was described in the Indian Press reports as being 'a British Doctor' recently returned from London, meaning that both these men were practising in the NHS that is certainly something to think about!

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