Apparently on Sunday, August 30, 2020 a man in a jet-pack suit was reported to have been spotted flying thousands of feet in the air above Los Angeles.
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A Birds Eye View From A Pilots Window ...... |
The report by an American Airlines pilot, was logged after he reported an unidentified flying person to air traffic control.
He told them that the person was flying at the altitude of 3,000 feet (914m), and was level with his aircraft. This report was corroborated by a pilot on a Southwest Airlines flight, who also reported seeing the jet-pack flyer in the sky .... in all, five separate airline pilots on three separate occasions reported seeing "a guy in a jet-pack" flying at 3,000 feet or more in the skies above southern California.
One of the reports was on October 14, 2020 at 1:45 p.m, when the crew of a China Airlines Flight travelling to LAX from Taipei, Taiwan, reported seeing "jet-pack man" flying at the extraordinary altitude of 6,000 feet, (1,829 m) around seven miles Northwest of LAX. On December 21, 2020, a video was taken on board an instruction flight, that caught the jet pack flyer on film at an altitude of 3,000 feet again.
What makes this all the more peculiar is that the known jet-packs would normally have only very short ranges and flight times, and they aren't normally able to fly at an altitude of 3,000 feet (or much more in the case of the China Airlines report), which has raised suggestions that whatever technology this mystery "jet-pack man" is using, it could be a revolutionary advance being tested .... perhaps that dream of taking to sky's without planes is just on the horizon?
The Federal Aviation Administration launched an investigation, but so far no one has been identified .... but it begs the question of just how many people have Jet-packs in the LA area?
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A Jet-pack Man Drone |
Or, perhaps its just some idiot with a drone, that was made to look like a jet-pack?
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