
Friday 3 September 2021

Tongue Tied

Bethany Ryan and James Mckenzie are both residents of Edinburgh Scotland ...

Gulls Will Eat Almost Anything Dropped On The Street .....

... but were strangers to each other.

However as they passed each other on Leith Walk at around 8pm on August 1, 2019 outside the Dominos restaurant, Ms Ryan thought that Mr McKenzie, who was walking with a group of other individuals, may have part of a gang that had vandalised cars in the area. But as she had consumed both alcohol and various pills that day, she started complaining to them. After Mr Mckenzie gestured towards her, they clashed, and an argument ensued. 

Ms Ryan said she had tried to walk away from the confrontation, but claimed that McKenzie continued to be aggressive towards her and that he approached her again with “a clenched fist”. Ms Ryan said that she responded to that by pushing him on the body and kissing him, but then during the course of that kiss, she bit through his tongue, causing a piece of his tongue to be removed. 

Mr McKenzie pulled away and spat out a two centimetres by three centimetres part of his tongue. At this point, this strange story went really weird, as the piece of tongue muscle was picked up by a large seagull that flew off with it. The police were called and an arrest made of Ms Ryan. Ms Ryan pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr McKenzie, who is maimed for life - his tongue part was never recovered.

Perhaps The Court Should Have Ordered The Hannibal Lector Solution

However when it came to sentencing Ms Ryan avoided prison, as the Sheriff said that although “the injury was a serious one” he had to take into account several factors. He considered that there had been “provocation” during the incident, and so a custody sentence could be avoided. Ms Ryan was placed under the supervision of the social work department for the next two years, and ordered to attend drug treatment sessions when required to do so. 

But the Sheriff added that “In the background is custody and that remains open to me if the order is breached.” .... its just not safe walking the streets anymore.

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