
Friday 2 September 2022

The Drug Culture

In 2015 a former Miss Nevada USA 2007, and aspiring 'actress' faced a string of meth-related drug charges, according to a criminal complaint filed by Nevada prosecutors. 

Miss Nevada USA 2007 - The Road To Her Arrest Was Short
The Road To Arrest Was Short

The then 30 year old Katherine Nicole Rees, allegedly sold meth to a man ID'd as J. Peacock .... but this was not her first drug bust.

Now what makes this a blog worthy event, was that I was watching TV recently, and she appeared as a 'passenger of interest' to customs on a flight from the USA to Australia in 2009.

Katherine Nicole Rees At Aussie Airport
Katherine Nicole Rees At Aussie Airport

The TV show concerned was 'Nothing To Declare (Australia),' in which she had told customs staff that she had been Miss Nevada USA 2007 and was “very famous,” (but not adding that the title had been stripped from her by the Donald Trump organisation). The reason for the title being taken off her, were some teenage night club pictures which showed her fooling around with friends, and exposing her breasts ... 

Miss Nevada USA 2007 - Teenage Nightclub Pranks Cost Her Dear
Teenage Nightclub Pranks ...

 ... they were leaked, and changed the course of her life (but not necessarily for the better) ... she said at the time that the “photographs were from an isolated incident during my teenage years. This incident does not reflect who I am, or who I plan to be. I have no intention of further disgracing the state of Nevada, the Miss Universe organization, or Mr. Donald Trump.”

She had also loudly claimed to Australian customs that she never did drugs, this after cocaine readings were detected on her designer hand bag and laptop. Ms Rees said, “I don’t do drugs whatsoever. I don’t use cocaine, I don’t use any kind of pill, no kind of Xanax, no anything.” She added that she didn't want to screw up her life.

She was finally let in to Australia when nothing else was found .... as she passed customs she told the TV cameras that “I’m shocked. I’m from Las Vegas, so you never know what the heck is going to be around out there, and I thank gosh I don’t have anything on me, because I don’t do any sort of illegal activity, but Las Vegas apparently does.”

But the clock never stops turning. In 2012 she pleaded guilty in court to a misdemeanour drug charge and was sentenced to drug counselling. Then on September the 22nd, 2014, Ms Rees was caught selling methamphetamines, and just a month later, she was detained once again with 5.3 grams of methamphetamines in her possession. Her bail was set at $50,000. Then on June the 8th, 2015, another warrant was issued for her arrest, and she was charged with four more drug felonies. 

In the intervening years since the TV appearance, and prior to this sudden uplift in drug related offences, she had only faced driving traffic-related charges in 2008, when she paid fines for several misdemeanour traffic violations, after a charge that she had resisted arrest was dropped - She agreed to pay up to $1,312 in fines.

She declared on Facebook that she is a “peace shaman” and a “Warrior of Light,” which she described as an “Indigo child/starseed, healer, keeper and teacher of ancient wisdom, helping to raise the frequency (vibration) of humanity to the new 5D Earth through enlightenment, peace and love.”

But her latest reported arrest was on September the 1st, 2015, suggesting that she wasn't actively using that 'ancient wisdom', and came after her then boyfriend of 10-months, Kevin “DJ Kulprit” Sims, was pulled over by Las Vegas Police, for allegedly speeding and failing to signal when changing lanes.  The police officers found cigarette rolling papers, two smoking pipes and a canister containing what police believed to be marijuana in a bag that she said was hers. They also found Xanax and Oxycontin, as well as a substance that tested positive for meth cocaine. Ms Rees was charged with five drug counts, including felony possession of methamphetamine.

In February 2016 she was sentenced to 12 - 32 months imprisonment, but the sentence was suspended, and she was put on probation, not to exceed three years, for the four felony drug counts. There have been no reported arrests since .... but what this story actually illustrates is just how the much the drug culture has taken a real grip in the USA and elsewhere. 

A girl who initially was determined to get on in life, and with plans to be an actress, can in a few short years be diverted in to the world of drug trafficking and usage, just by the culture all around her in Las Vegas .... but this story could be based almost anywhere in the Western world, such is the prevalence of drugs in our society.


  1. It's actually a rather sad story but these days all too common a tale.

    Let's hope that as she hasn't been in trouble since 2016, she is now back on the right track.

    1. It is sad that her hopes fell firstly due to some youthful but essentially harmless antics, and then by association with the drug sub-culture. A story that is echoed all too frequently across the USA and Western World. Its hard to see this plague ever subsiding as drug demand (and too a certain extent social acceptance of its permanency), just seems to grow.

    2. We lost the war on drugs when

      (a) The US started to legalise personal usage of some drugs on a state by state basis.
      (b) The big US drugs companies started pumping opioid pain killers into the health care system for post op or injury treatments, instead of proper care.

      It created a drug demand amongst a whole section of the community who would never have tried heroin, meth or cocaine etc. I.e the poor whites whose health care insurance was limited.

      We have reaped a cruel harvest ever since.

    3. Carl you are spot on in that assessment. It does make you wonder where we are heading though, because the drug culture offers no future for us. Thanks for the comment.


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