
Friday 16 September 2022

It's Doggone

In October 2018 a 22 year old Scotsman from Haddington, East Lothian, had a fight with an English Bulldogge  ... his pet.

Biggie' Really Loved Peanut Butter
'Biggie' Really Loved Peanut Butter

..... He lost. 

Well actually it wasn't so much that he lost, but what he lost in the fight, that makes you wince. When police found him he was fully clothed, but unconscious and bloody around the groin. He reportedly had spread peanut butter over his groin to attract the dog. Beside him sat his faithful hound named 'Biggie'. Also bloody, but only around the muzzle.

The man was rushed to hospital where it was reported that he had lost his penis and both testicles. ... Apparently ripped away from his groin, and eaten by his dog. A police statement confirmed that the injuries were believed to have been caused by the dog. The man was in a coma .... the dogs condition was reported as being put down after the owner signed a consent form. 

Old English Bulldogges were bred in the early 1970's, in an attempt to recreate the historic Bulldog breed, but with a less aggressive temperament - the originals were bred to bait bulls, not balls.

Snaking Bad

A 6 foot jungle python "which cannot be named due to legal reasons," discovered in a Crystal Meth lab when police raided it, in Windsor Australia in April 2017, was addicted to the drug. Consequently it acted much like human users, and was very very aggressive against the police who had entered the lab. 

Raiding  Meth Labs Could Have Surprise Risks
Raiding  Meth Labs Could Have Surprise Risks

It had apparently absorbed the methamphetamine fumes through its skin, and was described by the police as being 'Totally on edge.'  Once captured, it was taken to a prison rehabilitation wildlife care programme, where it was weaned off the methamphetamine addiction by prisoners, before being given to a local zoo.

Monster News

Old news, is normally no news, but archivists looking for Fortean content, have uncovered a new report from the 12th of February 1958, that said that on the 11th of February a sea monster/serpent had been reported in Rio de Janeiro's Guanabara bay. 

Guanabara Bay 'Monster' 1958
Guanabara Bay 'Monster' 1958

The reports by local fishermen and hundreds of onlookers on the shore, was so credible that police, armed with machine guns, and dynamite patrolled the bay in speed boats. They found nothing, but reports said that it had the neck of a giraffe, big humps on its back, a long tail and a head as big as a barrel. It was described as greenish in colour.

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