
Friday 24 March 2023

Gangsta Paradise

Rakim Hasheem Allen was a Los Angeles rapper using the name 'PnB Rock'. He has been shot dead in a robbery attempt at a Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles in Los Angeles.

PnB Rock - Bling Gets You Killed
Bling Gets You Killed

The robber is alleged to have demanded his jewellery before opening fire multiple times at the rapper. Its assumed from initial reports that he fired after the rapper refused to hand over his bling.

His girl friend was with him and there were other diners as well but no one else is reported as injured and Mr Allen died at the scene of numerous bullet wounds .... now considering the mortality rate of black rappers in the USA and elsewhere, they don't post their movements on social media. So whether this was simply an opportunistic robbery gone wrong or the killer knew his whereabouts is not currently known.

The girlfriend had posted a picture of Waffles and Chicken, but no location, nor the name of the restaurant (Roscoe's presumably have more than one establishment) ... so it suggests more opportunistic than planned .... but in the world of black rappers you never know ... it could even be a targeted hit, dressed up as a robbery gone wrong.

But once again a black musician is dead by gun ... rapper Nicki Minaj (Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty) said after this latest killing "After Pop Smoke there’s no way we as rappers or our loved ones are still posting locations to our whereabouts." ... It should be noted that the musician killings started almost the moment the hip'hop genre started (after it started being officially recorded for play on radio or television in 1979, and money started to be made).

List of Rappers 'Wasted' By Members Of Their 'Community':

The first was DJ Scott La Rock (Scott Monroe Sterling) was shot in 1987 a spree shooting after an altercation over a friend chatting up someone else's girlfriend ... he died in hospital. Two men were arrested and charged with La Rock's murder, but they were acquitted at the trial, no one else was charged.

Tupac Shakur Gunned Down Twice
Tupac Shakur Gunned Down

The list carries on through the years ... perhaps the most famous of these nonentities was Tupac Shakur (Lesane Parish Crooks), who had at least the fame to be known to people outside of the hip'hop (Rapper) world. He had already survived being shot five times in the lobby of a New York recording studio, but in 1995 he spent eight months in prison on sexual abuse charges ... freed pending an appeal, in 1996 he was gunned down by an unidentified assailant in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas; he died six days later.

Another US rapper Pop Smoke (Bashar Barakah Jackson) was killed, after an apparent armed robbery on the 18th of February 2022 ... and Rakim Allen was merely the latest until Atalanta Band 'Migos' rapper Takeoff (real name Kirsnick Khari Ball), was killed by a "stray bullet," in a shooting at a bowling alley in Houston, Texas, on Tuesday the 1st of October 2022, but with at least 40 eye-witnesses in the bowling alley, police are still having to plead with "the community" (aka the black people in the bowling alley) to provide information. By the time this is published ... more rapper deaths will have followed these.

Now lets be honest, what other music genre has a death rate like this? Its the only truly black music form, and look at what happens ... murders and mayhem, that are simply unknown in other music genres. I mean does this sort of thing happen regularly in Classical Music, or Country Music, or Pop ... not even in Rock or Heavy Metal ... nope, none of them.

But they are all primarily white music forms, so this sort of violence is at best incredibly rare, but usually non existent. Its only in the black music scene, that murder becomes the normal way ... but then nearly every black criminal describes themselves as a 'Rap Musician', and the whole scene stems from criminal gangs ... so maybe it really does just reflect the community it comes from.

All this BLM protest is aimed at the wrong people, and is completely ignoring the real truth of the matter, which is that black activists are only campaigning against white people, over the delusional race myth/excuse, that even after hundreds of years of freedom, and countless government acts aimed at lifting their communities out of the mess they have often created for themselves, they have not done so because of 'societal racism.'

They ignore the fact that almost to a man or woman, they have better lives in white countries, than any of the black diaspora in Africa or the West Indies. They have social housing, welfare benefits, health care, education and job opportunities far in excess of those in black majority countries ... but as a group they singularly fail to take advantage of these chances, and the males in particular too often revert to criminality as the preferred method of income.

They refuse to acknowledge the real problems of their group, which are the *high rates of single motherhood in the black community. The lack of commitment of black men to child raising or providing financial support (especially if their child's mother is black). That the black male gang culture fuelled by 'easy money' via drug dealing, or theft/robbery is far to often the choice of income gaining, rather than any daily employment.

I don't know why so many politicians are afraid to stand up and point this out ... because once the genie was out the bag, then these BLM activists and apologists would be forced to address the issues in their communities, or openly deny them, and be open to obvious criticism and ridicule.

We reap what they sow ...

* This fact is often claimed by black activists to be somehow irrelevant, but historically its been the most consistent factor in the social/cultural makeup of Black US communities, and frankly to claim it has no influence is ridiculous: 

  • 2010: 72% of black babies were born to unmarried mothers.
  • 2012: 57.6% of black children, 31.2% of Hispanic children, and 20.7% of white children are living absent their biological fathers.
  • 2016: Worldwide Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest percentage of single mothers worldwide, at 32% and Latin America at 24%.
  • 2019: 64% of black children, 42% of Hispanics, and 24% of Whites live in single parent households. 

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