
Friday 24 March 2023

Greedy Crooks

Allesandro Iembo, a 28 year old Italian, who worked as a kitchen assistant in a Wetherspoons, Bournemouth pub called the 'Mary Shelley' arrived in a private aircraft flight from Colombia, at Farnborough airfield, with four other gentlemen in January 2018 ....

Allesandro Iembo - Drug Smuggler
Allesandro Iembo - Drug Smuggler

... where they were all promptly arrested with 15 suitcases, containing 513 packets of cocaine worth around £43 million.

In his plea, despite initially posing as music moguls in an earlier visit, he claimed that he thought he was working for the charity One Young World, and the £138,000 private plane was because "I thought people in London have a lot of money" .....

Big Drug Bust At Farnborough Airport
Big Drug Bust At Farnborough Air Show

Two of the others from the UK also claimed to be working for a charity. 

Bricklayer Martin Neil, 49, of Poole in Dorset, Italian national Alessandro Iembo, 28, and Spanish waiter Victor Franco-Lorenzo, 40, received 24 years each, and Spanish hairdresser José Ramón Miguélez-Botas, 56, of Valladolid in Spain, was given 20 years at Woolwich crown court in south-east London. 

The gang had seemingly got away with a similar drug trip in December 2017, posing as wealthy crypto-currency dealers and music bigwigs heading to a Bruno Mars gig, as their cover for the successful smuggling trip ... believed to have netted them and any associates £60 million. But they had been watched by police since.

You have to wonder how much of the £60 million they actually saw i.e. if they were not merely drug mules or had to borrow much of the money to finance the scheme, because their money had apparently run out inside a month, and they had been tempted to do the same run again. Iembo was carrying a self wiping encrypted mobile phone when they were arrested.

You would have thought that getting any share of £60 million would have been enough for men in their circumstances, but greed is a stupid thing ... they decided to do it again and now face a long time in prison. 


  1. Is this a case of - Enough is never enough - for some people?

    1. Perhaps so. It does seem odd for them to risk the same scheme again, after apparently getting away from it.


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