
Friday 10 March 2023

Little Wangs

China is full of little wangs, men who need the falsehood of ground up tiger bones to sustain their self image as sexual warriors.

Attack Started Inside Restaurant ....... Before Continuing Outside
Attack Started Inside Restaurant
....... Before Continuing Outside

They consider the Chinese woman to be subordinate to their own view of their machismo, and are prepared to use violence to reinforce that idea.

In fact China only made domestic violence punishable by law as late as March 2016, and before 2001 physical abuse was not even reasonable grounds for a divorce.

Hence when a group of men, attacked 4 women in a restaurant in Tangshan, a city in the northern Hebei province, allegedly after one of the men had been rejected by one of the women after he approached her making a sexual suggestion, there was no great surprise. The attack was filmed by CCTV cameras, as no one including the police, came to help the four innocent women.

Gang Attack Four Women In China
Gang Attack Four Women In China

The police wouldn't even have arrested the men, if the security footage hadn't gone viral on what's left of the free Internet in China. The film shows the rejected man striking her in retaliation, before other men drag her outside and continue bludgeoning her as she lies on the floor. The group of men are also seen attacking her dining partners. Another woman who tried to intervene was pushed away before landing on the back of her head against the stairs.

Two of the women who were attacked spent time in intensive care,whilst the other two women were seen in photographs, covered in their own blood, even though their injuries were initially classed by police as only "minor".

The police, who arrived 30 minutes after the attack, later said they had arrested nine people (men) on suspicion of violent assault and "provoking trouble". This slow response time, prompted much criticism that forced the the police to carry out an "in-depth investigations into untimely police dispatch ... and serious violations of discipline" .... The deputy police director was later removed from office.

"Rice bunny", is a Chinese homonym for the Chinese #MeToo campaign .... And Weibo, the Chinese social media platform had regularly featured videos of violence against women ... but in another ratchet up of censorship, Weibo has now removed any accounts that "incited gender confrontation," including any older threads about a woman found chained to a hut in Xuzhou (she had been kidnapped and trafficked as a forced bride 20 years earlier), and which often included discussions about sexism.

Weibo has also blocked the accounts of the Chinese #MeToo icon Xianzi (Zhou Xiaoxuan) and her supporters .... so Chinese feminists are now being separated from each other. She had alleged in 2018, that in 2014 when she had visited the dressing room of Zhu Jun - a host with state broadcaster CCTV - he had sexually harassed her. The case had been dismissed for lack of evidence.

So in many respects, instead of prompting the CCP to promote women's rights and respect for women, the attack has merely resulted in the issue of sexism and misogyny being buried behind yet another layer of state inspired censorship.

Like Islam's Sharia law requirement for four witnesses to a rape, a high bar for evidence of rape or cases of sexual harassment is set in China, which often demand video recordings or photographs of the actual incident, putting a heavy burden of proof on plaintiffs and thus allows attackers to continue to get off or even not be charged, even in one case after the police had found that the man accused of rape, had "committed indecencies" with his victim ....

China, remains a land on par with those lands where violence against women remains common ... communism has done nothing in the last 80 years to promote gender equality or even respect.

Chen Jizhi Convicted For Attack
Chen Jizhi Convicted For Attack

However, with the filmed evidence, Chen Jizhi the cowardly thug who assaulted the woman in the pictures was fined 320,000 yuan (£40,000, $45,000), and sentenced to 24 years in prison in September 2022, and a further 27 men were convicted over the violent attacks, in which they used bottles, chairs and fists to beat the women. The sentences for the other men ranged between six months and 11 years in prison, additionally Chen and five defendants were ordered to compensate for the four victims' medical expenses and other losses. All of those arrested and sentenced were part of a local mafia style gang, with long criminal records.

Proving once again that China's all pervasive security camera system is not to prevent crime .... its used for political control, and only when forced by public outrage is it used to tackle crimes.

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