With old dead white men (and Women) apparently fair game for cancellation ...
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Two Of These Men May Be Cancelled ... |
which is of course the removal of their images and presence from the public and historical sphere .....
So already attempts have been made by the same yobs who vandalise statues of Mrs Thatcher, to remove Winston Churchill from public record (his crime, was in expressing the common view of the time about racial inferiority of the natives justifying colonisation, in particular in Australia).
But of course it has already been noted by the mob, that twelve dead US Presidents were actual slave owners, and therefore subjects worthy of cancellation ... including the Mount Rushmore monument, which features two of the slave owning Presidents, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson (the others on the monument are Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln), so how long before they are cancelled from the site?
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Cancel Culture Mount Rushmore? |
Of course if they were to be cancelled, would they just leave the two Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln up by themselves in a rather unimpressive monument? Or would they want to replace or remodel the offending two with suitable ethnic candidates.
Candidates would probably include both Martin Luther King Jr, and President Barack Obama and then might include more controversial figures as the radicals drive the agenda ... maybe Malcolm X? .... obviously one would have also to be a woman in the new view, so a tricky one. Hmmm ....💡 .... maybe someone who wasn't a president, Rosa Parks?
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A Remodelled Mount Rushmore? |
Perhaps something modelled like this last one, although whether they would 'whiteface' them or try to use a rock hue more racially in tune with the new woke views, its hard to guess .....
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