
Friday 21 April 2023

Kakakakancel Kulture

In the 'sue for every imagined hurt' culture ....

Compensation Culture Now Endemic
Compensation Culture Now Endemic

 .... that the decision to let claims companies and personal injuries lawyers advertise on TV, unleashed on the unsuspecting UK, its perhaps not a surprise that every minority group felt they should make a claim and cash in.

Lorenzo Garcia, a legal advisor, claimed that as he was a stutterer, he was being discriminated against, when a market research firm was advertising for people with a 'clear voice'. The temporary role was advertised in Huddersfield, but as Mr Garcia lives in London, its even questionable if he ever had any intention of applying for, or taking up a temporary job in Huddersfield. But in this increasingly money orientated claims culture, he probably thought he could squeeze a few thousand pounds out of them.

Well, the Employment Tribunal in 2020 showed some unexpected backbone, and determined that a clear voice at a call centre was a "legitimate requirement" for the role. He was advised that as he had a history of suing for profit (why is he or anyone allowed to do this?), he would have to pay £500 to carry on to a full hearing.

So true to form, he appealed against the requirement to pay the £500 deposit, costing the UK countless more thousands, as yet another hearing had to convene to consider and then dismiss his appeal. I don't know if he paid the £500 and carried on to a full hearing or gave up on that claim. It would be a very interesting study to know how many times these claimants for profit have abused our employment tribunal and court systems, with multiple claims for profit, but strangely there is no public record of claimants .... which is a bit of a disgrace. 

He of course is not the only one of these sue for any imagined insult people in the UK. In 2019, Nikki Payne was an office manager at Corinthian Benefits Consulting in London. She was then sacked, following a row over who was responsible for the office coffee and milk supply .... but she said that as her boss had said that he had wanted to employ an "Anne Hathaway character from the The Devil Wears Prada, not a mum," she had been discriminated against.

So off they all went to the Employment Tribunal, where it was decided that her claim had failed, and that her bosses comment was not discriminatory as "he was describing a candidate with motivation and enthusiasm." ... hopefully this is a sign that the compensation culture may be waning, but I won't hold my breath.

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