
Friday 26 May 2023

Ninny Nannies

In June 2017, a family had to advertise for a nanny for their two children (ages five and seven) ......

Ghosts Or Overactive Imagination?
Ghosts Or Overactive Imagination?

 ..... after five live-in nannies had fled their home in Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland inside a year.

The vacancy advert describes their “lovely, spacious” home with “Spectacular views,” and then lists the duties any potential nanny would need to perform (making breakfast, dropping off and picking up the kids, assisting with homework, etc), with a generous 28 days vacation.

They were also offering a £50k ($65,770) pa salary, because all the previous nanny's who had quit had said that they had witnessed furniture moving and glass shattering in the house.

The couple have admitted that “We have lived in our home for nearly 10 years. We were told it was ‘haunted’ when we bought it, but kept our minds open and decided to buy the house regardless. Five nannies have left the role in the last year, each citing supernatural incidents as the reason, including strange noises, broken glass and furniture moving."

“We haven’t personally experienced any supernatural happenings, as they have been reported only while we’ve been out of the house, but we’re happy to pay above the asking rate, and feel it’s important to be as up-front as possible to find the right person. My husband and I are both very busy professionals who are often required to work away and there are occasions, up to four nights per week, when we will both be away and you will be at the property alone in sole charge.”, where the family had posted their listing, confirmed to the press that the position was legitimate and that “The family has assured us that no harm has come to anyone living in the house, however the nanny will have to have a strong disposition.”

As usual with these stories, there was no follow as to whether the professional couple had got a nanny who stayed, and whether the £50k had scared the poltergeist, or whatever it was, away?

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