
Friday 26 May 2023

If Black Lives Really Matter

If Black Lives Really Matter to black people ..... 
Innocent Sacramento Victims Of Black Gun Crime
Innocent Sacramento Victims Of Black Gun Crime ...
...... then perhaps they should stop killing each other.
Maybe they should start protesting when black men kill other blacks  ... don't just use the deaths of the odd black criminal at the hands of police, as an excuse for riots, arson and violence. It's not the police, but their 'hommies in the hood', who are doing 93 per cent of the killing of black people in both the UK and USA.
The mass killing last year in Sacramento, USA illustrates this, when a number of armed African-American males let loose at each other and others with guns and semi-automatic weapons, outside a popular nightclub area at just after 02:00 am on Sunday the 3rd of April 2022, near the junction of 10th and K Street Mall.
Dandre Martin And Smiley Martin, Brothers In Crime.
Dandre Martin And Smiley Martin, Brothers In Crime.

The Sacramento police initially made two arrests of Dandre Martin and Smiley Martin, but are searching for a large number of other males a year later (another man, Daviyonne Dawson was also arrested, but not charged in relation to the shootings)
Mtula Payton Being Hunted
Mtula Payton Arrested June 2022
The police department said it also believes 27-year-old Mtula Payton was one of those gunmen. He was wanted on multiple felony warrants, that included domestic violence and gun charges and was later arrested in June 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The three men (the Martins and Payton) have all been charged with the actual shootings .... But Sacramento police have said there were at least five gunmen involved in the shooting. Sergio Harris, DaVazia Turner, and Joshua Hoye-Lucchesi, were amongst the dead, but no charges were filed in their deaths, because authorities believe they participated in the gun battle.
Meanwhile in New York, police arrested one Frank R James in relation to the Brooklyn subway attack that injured at least 29 people, and only by a fluke didn't kill any innocent people. As it was 10 of the victims were hit by direct gunfire, while the remaining 19 suffered injuries from smoke inhalation.
Frank R James Arrested By New York Polic
Frank R James Arrested By New York Police

Mr James had posted videos on-line ... in which he had ranted about race issues, black power, and claimed that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was proof that black people were treated with disdain in society. “These white motherfuckers, this is what they do,” he said. “Ultimately at the end of the day they kill and commit genocide against each other. What do you think they gonna do to your black ass?” adding that “I’m 63 now full of hate, full of anger, and full of bitterness.”
62 or 63 yr old Frank Robert James had apparently lawfully bought his Glock 9mm handgun, and three ammunition magazines in Ohio. This despite the fact that he had a long history of menacing and erratic behaviour. He been arrested on nine separate occasions in the 1990's in New York City alone, and he had also been arrested for making terrorist threats in New Jersey, also in the 1990's ... for some reason the authorities and prosecutors in each area had never pursued felony convictions, so Mr James actually had a clean record on a federal felonies background check (checks only prohibit those convicted of felonies from buying a gun) when he later legally purchased a handgun in 2011. 
Mind you the US gun laws have more holes than a Swiss cheese, because unlicensed dealers - like those at gun shows or who sell on-line - don't have to complete these background checks in any case, so he could have bought one from those 'legal' sources even if he had felony offence records, and no one would have been any the wiser ... the sellers would have broken no laws in selling the gun to him.

So already legally armed, he simply rented a U-Haul van in Philadelphia using a credit card and proceeded to the crime scene. All of which were later found abandoned after the subway attack. He faces life in prison after pleading guilty in January 2023 to 10 counts of committing a terrorist attack or other violence against a mass transportation vehicle, plus one count for each gunshot victim, and one count of discharging a firearm in furtherance of his attack. 

These events are the reality of black life in the USA, not the odd Floyd George ... the vast majority of black murder deaths in the US and for that matter in the UK as well, are at the hands of black men. 
In 2012, the FBI’s figures suggest black males committed about 5,000 murders, and white males about 4,200. Black males represented 6.6 per cent of the US population, white males 38 per cent. That is by any measure a huge disparity. And black males were disproportionately represented among the victims of murders by black males. 
The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report, a compilation of annual crime statistics, shows that:
  • 83 percent of white victims were killed by white offenders.
  • 90 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders.
  • 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders.
  • 7.6 percent of black victims were killed by white offenders.
In the 2018 and 2019 FBI Crime Reports said that:
  • Of the murder victims for whom race was known, 54.7 percent were Black or African American, 42.3 percent were White, and 3.1 percent were of other races. Race was unknown for 234 victims.
  • When the race of the offender was known, 55.9 percent were Black or African American, 41.1 percent were White, and 3.0 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,752 offenders. 
..... US race demographics in 2020 were: Non-Hispanic whites representing 57.8% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans are the largest ethnic minority, comprising 18.7% of the population, while Black or African Americans are the second largest racial minority, making up 12.1%
Rod Liddle a newspaper and magazine columnist in the UK, stated that the ‘overwhelming majority’ of violent crimes in London were committed by black males. He was adjudicated against by the Press Complaints Commission. A few months afterwards the Sunday Telegraph newspaper made a Freedom of Information request, which revealed the actual police figures, and they concluded that he was ‘largely right on some of [his] claims’ i.e that the majority of violent crimes committed by males in London were indeed committed by black males — 54 per cent of street crime, 59 per cent of robberies and 67 per cent of gun crime. In 2006 the Metropolitan Police Authority reported that 79 per cent of gun-crime suspects and, crucially, 75 per cent of the victims of gun crime, were from the ‘African-Caribbean’ community. 
As to the BLM point about police killings of black men: In the UK the overall killings of any one is small -  but according to an article in The Guardian newspaper (a left wing leaning media organisation), black people account for 8% of deaths in police custody (often related to mental health issues), and I assume slightly higher figure in street contacts, due to guns being involved, but they are around 4.2% of the population.
While in the US, an average of 120 black males are killed — justifiably or otherwise — by the US police each year, the numbers of black males killed by other black males is, on average, 4,472 pa. For instance Chicago’s death toll of black-on-black murders, almost matches the total number of US servicemen killed in the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan combined. The right-wing website Breitbart somewhat provocatively (you might argue), suggests that just one year of black-on-black murders, easily eclipses the total number of black men lynched by white men between 1882 and 1968 in the South. 
Whilst these figures rarely register with, or trouble, the spoilt middle class black and white activists who march, or disrupt our streets, because as middle class persons of colour or white liberals, your in fact as divorced from that black reality, as any spoilt middle class white climate change activists are from working peoples realities. 
But, some US black commentators do bravely swim against the tide: For instance a black Florida cop called Jay Stalien addressed all this business in a blog post in 2016 which quickly went viral. He had been motivated to join the police force because of the carnage wreaked within his community by his own people, and the Black Lives Matter campaign annoyed him. Stalien concluded:  
‘I realised the African American community refuses to look within to solve its major issues, and instead makes excuses and looks outside for solutions. I realised that a lot of people in the African American community lead with hate, instead of love. Division instead of Unity. Turmoil and rioting instead of Peace. I realised that they have become the very entity that they claim they are fighting against.’

He has also posted on the problems of being 'black and blue' i.e a black police officer dealing with the black community. Meanwhile in Sacramento, where was the self righteous protests at the black on black violence in that city? Where was the marching in New York by anyone, on behalf of the mostly white victims of the black subway shooter? 
As usual just complete silence on the subject  .... in Sacramento, city leaders and elected officials gathered in a down town plaza for a candlelight vigil to honour the victims. It was apparently lightly attended. The informal gathering of family members that took place over the street corner, was also limited in turnout ..... no BLM black or white activists protesting the black on black violence, no rioting or looting by mobs.
In fact no mass protests at the black on black killings that blight black lives around the globe .... If the BLM campaign really matters to the posturing activists, then maybe this BBC film report will show the idiots, who think that taking the knee, or that toppling statues of dead white people, or blocking airports makes their lives matter, will show them where the real problem lies ..... its this, and the efforts by people like Police Officer Stalien that they should be addressing.


  1. Frank James was sentenced to life imprisonment.

    1. Actually he got 10 life sentences, one for each person his bullets wounded when he sprayed a New York City subway car with bullets during rush hour on April the 12th, 2022. He had pleaded guilty to terrorism charges. Thanks for the update.

      Meanwhile, yesterday, it was reported that two men Johnluis Sanchez, and Alejandro Ramos, (with a third suspect being hunted down) will face murder charges, after a pregnant woman hit by gunfire on a bus delivered a baby that later died on Tuesday, in Holyoke, Massachusetts. She had been on a bus passing by a convenience store, where three male suspects were involved in an altercation outside, when two of the men jumped a third, before gunfire, around a dozen shots, erupted. Two of the men were wounded, one was dragged in to the store, while another, wounded in he hand ran off, (and the third, the man who had been jumped, fled on an electric bike with the handgun), but the innocent pregnant bus passenger was killed, while her unborn child struck by the same bullet, later died.

      Just another day, and another senseless gun killing, in the Good Ol' USA .... but it would be a national scandal in every other civilised country ... it only made the local news in Massachusetts.


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