
Friday 8 September 2023

Subtle Differences Racism

If evidence was ever needed that racism occurs in all countries ....

Alien Racism - Spot The Difference?

.... and against all races (not just 'white on black' as the current Woke / BLM nonsense decrees), a racism row occurred in Sudan, over a lawyers remarks. 

During the trial of ex-President Omar al-Bashir, who has been charged by the International Criminal Court (IOC), with committing war crimes and genocide, in relation to Darfur - a primarily 'African' descent Muslim region, a racial slur was recorded and overheard. 

The comment had nothing to do with the trial which is over events in the early 2000's, when the pro-government, horse or jeep riding Arab militias, known as the 'Janjaweed', started targeting non-Arab residents and villages, and driving out the "Zurga", the local slang term for ethnic black communities. 

One of ex-President Omar al-Bashir's defence team was heard to state that "This abd ('slave') with his ugly nose irritates me," in reference to journalist Lukman Ahmed, who is now suing the lawyer in a bid to highlight what a problem racism is in Sudan. Arab descent people use the term "abd" (or 'Zurga'), as a derogatory term for African descent people, who were slaves to the Arabs until at least the last century.

Mr Ahmed, who is a Muslim (as 99 per cent of Sudanese of all racial descents are), had just been sacked as director of the state-owned broadcaster by the current military government, and the overheard and the recorded comment, was apparently a personal remark. The military government are accused of trying to roll back the reforms (including biases against Negro African descent citizens), introduced when Omar al-Bashir was ousted. Mr al-Bashir, who has refused to go the Hague for the trial, is expected to suffer nothing more than house arrest on 'humanitarian grounds,' from a regime that is the same as his own was i.e 'Arab' led.

Omar al-Bashir And Lukman Ahmed
Spot The Difference?

The irony is of course, that to a non sahel resident, they mostly both look pretty much the same race and colour i.e Black and African. Racism it seems knows no colour or religious boundaries, and is purely in the eye of the beholder.

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