
Friday 22 September 2023

The Autocrats Club

The Arabs have a club .....

The Arab League Map
The Arab League

...... the Arab League

Membership is largely, but not wholly, made up of the lands the Arabs conquered in their breakout from the Saudi Arabian deserts in the Seventh Century AD. This means that there are some residual ethnic/religious groups from the original inhabitants of these lands, e.g. Christians (e.g. Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria), Jews, Berbers, Kurds, Somalis, Assyrians, Armenians, Nubians, Mandaeans, and Circassians, but they have no voice in the non woke and largely non democratic Arab world.

Membership is currently as per this list:

Arab League Membership
Arab League Membership


..... and just a casual glance, shows that democracy is hardly a requirement of membership, and in fact could even be considered a handicap. Even its five observer states are an odd group of oil supplicants such as India, Eritrea and Armenia ... 

Five Arab League Observer States
Five Arab League Observer States


.... and oil producers such as Brazil and Venezuela. 

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman And Bashar al-Assad In Jeddah 2023
Blood On Their Hands .....

But in a gang of scoundrels such as these, they reached a new low when in May 2023, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was welcomed back in to the Arab fold. To be honest, the blood on his hands is matched equally by many other leaders inside the league, its only the quantities that make him stand out.

Few if any of the Arab states opposed the return of Syria, with only Qatar (which also funded the armed opposition in Syria), publicly voicing disquiet about Assad's gradual return to Arab respectability. But the realities of Geo-politics and the need to get Syria from producing a narcotic drug called Captagon (an amphetamine based drug, which Assad's family are believed to be heavily involved in producing in a trade worth up to $50 billion [£40bn] per year), which is blighting the Arab world, mean that ignoring Syria is no longer considered to be a viable position.

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