
Friday 1 September 2023

The Last White Male

Ex Liverpool footballer Mark Lawrenson cries .....

The Last White Male Presenter?

.... as he sees the writing on the wall, and realises that it only ends badly for the last older generation, white, English/Irish male on one of the BBC's football programmes.

He has since been replaced by yet another 'persecuted', under represented, female and or minority representative, probably with next to no idea about the men's game ... which after all, is actually radically different to the women's version. The knickers all over the dressing room, the smell of Old Holburn rolling tobacco, tweed suits, the 'Killing of Sister George' and 'Gentleman Jack' DVD's changing hands .......... just the average women's football changing room on any given day ... joking (just).

We now live in the time of the four percenter's  - where four percent of the UK population are now the majority representatives of 'British' people in the UK's advertising media, where proving your woke credentials is now a must. You only have to watch the UK TV adverts, to see that the ideal family unit for adverts now is a black male, with his white (usually blonde) female partner, and their black kids.

Seemingly the age of the white heterosexual male is apparently over, despite over 80 per cent of the UK population being white. Obviously the Muslim male/female population can't be over represented like the black population, despite making up more than the 4 per cent of the population that black people represent, because a Muslim woman can't be in a relationship with a Non-Muslim male (a Muslim woman can't even show her armpits on an TV advert for underarm spray), while Muslim males in general (outside of the few public exceptions), don't respect women's opinions, and will not listen to them .... so that leaves the Peckham Ward boys (according to the 2011 census 50.04% of Peckham in London was black African/Caribbean descent and just 29.02% white British), to take on the role of 'ideal' UK male.

Women, by general acclamation are a 'minority' somehow, but even so, as the image above illustrates, they are better being from the black community if possible (although oddly not in 'advert land', where black males are invariably partnered with white females), so even white females are on notice of being replaced in some circumstances.

Viktor Orban Has Strong Views On Multi-Culturalism
"We are willing to mix with one another,
but we do not want to become peoples
of mixed race."

Strange times and strange values, in a Western European society that has seemingly lost its white European identity .... no wonder East Europeans look on, and draw very different conclusions from the western multi-cultural experiment.

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