
Friday 8 September 2023

Victims Families Trial By Injustice

After a heinous crime involving different races, where was the community outrage, the riots, the burning Walmart's, the screaming 'activists' and the self-styled 'community leaders' screaming about a communities criminality and demanding 'repercussions'? ..... 

Black Protests Usually Look Like This
Black Protests Usually Look Like This .....

 ....  Of course there's none, because it was a white victim of a black criminal ... that sort of behaviour is a one way protest street, no matter what the provocations, or how heinous the crimes committed by black criminals on innocent non-black victims.

The black community simply refuses to acknowledge, that most of its issue are created by their own community, and that whatever harm they think non-blacks commit to them via 'racist attitudes,'  its actually their own communities, especially the violent behaviours of large sections of their own community, towards both themselves, and non-blacks, that fuel these so called 'racist attitudes'.

Cleotha Abston - Murderer
Cleotha Abston - Murderer

This fact was highlighted once again, when black male, Cleotha Abston (aka Abston-Henderson) kidnapped and murdered a white woman (a 32 year old wife, and mother of two, and kindergarten teacher and heiress), off the street in Memphis Tennessee in broad daylight ... he wasn't later shot by the police when he was arrested, despite the fact that they surely must have been tempted.

Abston had been released from prison in 2020, after serving 20 years for a similar offence against a white male, who had only survived the ordeal, when by chance he managed to attract a law enforcements officers attention ... he said after his rescue, that he thought his abductors were going to kill him once he got the money from the ATM, where he was freed by law enforcement.

Victim Lawyer Kemper Durand - Younger And Older
 Lawyer Kemper Durand


The man, lawyer Kemper Durand, was abducted on the 25th of May, 2000 at around 2am, when Abston and an accomplice robbed him, and then forced him into the boot (trunk) of his car, before driving him around for several hours, until they then forced him to an ATM machine, and demanded that he withdraw more cash. Luckily for Mr Durand, he spotted a housing authority police officer, and in desperation (thinking he was going to be killed anyway), cried out for help, and both Abston and his accomplice fled. They were caught, and convicted of aggravated kidnapping and robbery, Abston getting 24 years and the accomplice 11 years in prison respectively for the crime, but Abston was released 4 years early on parole in July of 2020 (despite the Shelby DA's offices opposition).

He then lived vicariously, often stalking around a housing complex where his brother Mario lived when he wasn't at work, employed as a cleaner for a business cleaning service. He was described as a "pervert" by a woman at the complex, as he had routinely offered women who lived there $100 for sex. He often stalked others around the apartment complex, using a black SUV truck. One woman said that "When women were around, he would sit in the truck and stare". Another female resident who said he had also offered her and also her niece, $100 for sex, said "He creepy, he really creepy."

Mrs Eliza Fletcher - Wife - Mother - Valued Teacher - She Will Be Missed
Mrs Eliza Fletcher - Wife - Mother - Valued Teacher

So its perhaps no surprise when he abducted Mrs Eliza Fletcher at 04:00 am local time, on Friday the 2nd of September 2022 (whilst he was still on parole), whilst she was out early morning jogging, and forced her into a black SUV in a “violent” manner ... a pair of sandals left at the scene by Abston, during the struggle as Mrs Fletcher fought and resisted, led the police to him, as his DNA was already on file. They also had surveillance footage which showed the the abduction in its entirety, and that the black SUV had a a broken tail-light (matching Abston's black SUV).

On Saturday the 3rd, police went to Abston's last known address (his brothers complex) in force, and identified the SUV. Abston, who was standing in the doorway when police arrived, began trying to flee, but was soon apprehended. Video shot earlier at the address, showed him scrubbing his SUV carpets just 3 hours after the abduction, and he reportedly also washed all his clothes. He refused to talk to police after his arrest, but Mrs Fletcher's body was found on Monday the 5th at around 17:07 local time (23:07 BST) in the rear of a vacant duplex apartment at the 1600 block of Victor.

He was initially charged with first-degree murder in perpetration of kidnapping, aggravated kidnapping and tampering with evidence (its also suspected that he also raped Mrs Fletcher but authorities refuse to confirm or deny the rumour ... her shorts had been removed from her body). Tennessee is a death penalty state, and the last execution was February 2020 ... I suspect that they will be warming up the chair for Mr Abston if its still so, after he's eventually exhausted all his multiple appeals and legal objections over the next 10 to 20 years .... all of course paid for by the state. Certainly the Shelby County DA has filed notice with the court, that prosecutors will seek the death penalty against Cleotha Abston-Henderson who has pleaded not guilty. No trial date has been set ... the final charges include raping Alicia Franklin in 2021. 

Abston had a long juvenile criminal history (from age 11 he was part of the 'LMG' gang – which stands for 'Lemoyne Gardens Gangstas') and was detained 16 times from October 1995 to May 2000 for rape (against a male), aggravated assault and unlawful possession of a weapon, a spree which only ended when he was convicted for the kidnap of Lawyer Kemper Durand. His father and role model Cleo Henderson, is currently in prison for second-degree murder and is scheduled for release in 2044.

Abston's brother Mario, who is apparently self identifying as an aspiring rapper and going by the moniker 'Yola Bizza' (who isn't a 'rapper' in the black male criminal community these days?), was also arrested, after a police search of his apartment found both drugs and guns, and so he was charged with having a controlled substance with intent to use or sell, possession of a firearm, and being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm. Prison time for him beckons as well ... neighbours claimed that in 2021 Mario's wife, Nakita Dixon, overdosed and died while in bed with him, and they said that "They're blood brothers, from the same mother."

But not a peep from all those black community leaders, who are so vociferous when they perceive an 'injustice against black boys' ... no mobs, no street protests about black males proclivity towards violence and crime ... no comments about the poor family upbringings, or the absence of stable males, in the invariably single female parent households, that in the black community almost always leads the boys to this life outcome.

The failure by black activists to try to acknowledge and tackle the many issues of their own community, whilst taking false cause against other communities when it suits them, is what leads to the creation of murderous and criminal scum like Cleotha Abston-Henderson and his half brother, and is why so many in the non-black community, often have little sympathy for the black causes.

All our sympathies go to to the family and friends of Eliza Fletcher, who was apparently a loving wife and mother, and much loved and valued teacher, and who will no doubt be very greatly missed by all who knew her. Judge Lee Coffee' told Fletcher's family, who were in court for the arraignment, that the case would be a 'long journey', stating 'This is going to be a long journey; these cases do not resolve themselves in a brief period of time. If this case goes to trial, it will probably be two to three years before it's actually tried. I hope we can compress it to less than that.'  

Sadly they all face even more trying times, as after Abston's eventual trial, there will be his numerous appeals that will no doubt take over a decade ... despite the literally overwhelming evidence of his guilt. In the end its always the victims families that face trial by the injustice of the system, that's weighted too much in favour of the career criminals.

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