
Friday 13 September 2024

Crimes Against Sanity

Is Canada being infected by the Florida bug?

Self Styled Queen of Canada - What Me, A Cult Leader?
Self Styled "Queen of Canada."

I ask this because a country that I always thought of as being the USA's, calm, and thoughtful northern cousin, has increasingly come to my attention for its wacky nutcases .... 

It all started with the naked Jehovah's witnesses, followed by the naked car squatter, and now we have the self proclaimed "Queen of Canada" and her followers, who states that her claim to being the title of "Queen of Canada" (amongst other titles such as 'The National Indigenous Leader'), is backed by secret (aren't they always?), and powerful US military interests. The names of whom she can't divulge, but who really exist ... honestly.

Her name is Romana Didulo, and she is a Filipino born, QAnon-inspired, conspiracy theorist and outright headcase, who is roaming around Canada, followed in motorhomes and other vehicles, by a merry band of conspiracy theorist nutters. They are causing upset with their traveller lifestyle, as they effectively squat on public or private land, with little regard for local sensibilities or the law.

In September 2023 her group moved into Richmound, a small village in south-western Saskatchewan, and settled in to a former school, much to the dismay of the 150 or so residents of the village. Around 100 local residents drove around the school on in tractors, semi-trucks and other vehicles, trying unsuccessfully to drive out the incomers. 

Earlier in September the group were chased out of Kamsack, a small town on the other side of the province, by hundreds of local residents, and aided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). This after they parked their convoy on the towns main street and members of Didulo's entourage told residents that that they were "going to be educated" and that "They were going to clean up the town in one month'."

When the Mayor, Nancy Brunt arrived and challenged them, one of them questioned her authority, whilst another said they were there "because God had given them this land."  She was more than a little affronted by this:

"They were told, 'No, you're not in charge.' I am the mayor. This is my town, I'm in charge. First Nations people said, 'You are not our chief. You are not the chief of Canada. We do not recognize you in any way, shape or form.'" 

As an angry crowd grew, Ms Didulo who never left her Recreational Vehicle (RV), apparently ordered her clan to pack up, and the convoy was escorted out of Kamsack by the RCMP in what was described as "a courtesy accompaniment to one party."

Evan Balgord, of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, who have been monitoring Ms Didulo's group, later told CBC News that events in Kamsack are "quite encouraging," as other Canadian communities have been unable to get her to leave so quickly ... as Richmound soon discovered.

The school building and surrounding land that the group have occupied in Richmound were sold by the local government, and are now privately owned (apparently by a supporter named as Ricky Manz), thus further complicating locals efforts to move the group on. So much so, that the group started making plans to stay put in Richmound, advertising for plumbers and tradespeople to come 'volunteer' for building projects (note the word volunteer - so unpaid of course). Her followers not there currently, have also indicated on Telegram their plans to travel to the area in mid-October. So tensions are rising in the village.

However, in late November 2023 it was reported that her group had left the old school building, and decamped to a nearby farm building .... Her supporter and school building owner, Mr Manz, had apparently been arrested and charged with assault in October, after an altercation in the village with an unnamed man (he was due in court the 1th of November 2023) ..... but the reason for the move was apparently a fire code inspector having been turned away, which seems to have created a fear in the group that officials would return in force and with a warrant.

She has a Telegram channel with more than more than 36,000 followers, to whom she has previously issued "decrees" to absolve from all bills and debts .... and many of the idiots believed her. So a fair number of the believers have now lost their homes, cars and possessions .... and yet they still they believe. This of course is tied in to the sovereign citizen movement (freeman of the land) fallacies of which we have discussed before .... a broad collection of anti-government groups, who try to avoid taxes, local planning regulations, and make up their own fake legal systems. 

Ms Didulo of course, is an ardent believer in all of the above, as well as anti-vaccination conspiracies, and apparently the belief that Donald Trump (bet you were all wondering when his name would pop up), is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping paedophiles e.g. The Clinton's, people in government, business and the media.

Frankly she and her group should be locked up at the moment, having attempted to 'arrest' police officers in Peterborough, Ontario in 2021, accusing them of "crimes against humanity." .... as opposed to the crimes against sanity which her followers commit daily. Ms Didulo has made frequent calls for violence against those administering Covid vaccines to children (calls on her followers to "shoot to kill"), and group participated in the "Freedom Convoy" protests in Ottawa in 2022. At least two of these actions should surely have resulted in criminal charges.

In other words, this is an increasingly unstable and violent cultist group, who will, sooner or later, cross a boundary. Ms Didulo regularly threatens to execute her opponents, and Mr Fougere, a local journalist who reported on the groups activities in Richmound for Community TV, an independent news outlet based in nearby Medicine Hat, has received death threats from her presumed followers. Ms Didulo and her cult followers have also threatened to execute local officials, and have previously issued threats against medical professionals, journalists and others.

Final word to Professor Christine Sarteschi, at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, and an expert on extremism and the sovereign citizen movement, who has followed this cultist groups activities closely, said the group is much more serious than their wild and ridiculous beliefs make them appear.

"Too often, these kinds of things are ignored until something bad happens. "I don't know how this ends... I don't know if anything horrible will happen, but I pray that it doesn't." .... so watch this space.

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