
Friday 6 September 2024

There's A Canuck In My Trunk

 During the history of this blog, we have come across some very odd stories and even odder people ....

Ms Bethany Coker - Mechanic And Good Egg
Ms Bethany Coker - Diesal Mechanic And Good Egg.

.... from naked ramblers and naked wood workers, through crimes involving crocodiles and alligators, and even naked Jehovah's witnesses in Canada.

But I have to say that this story, is right up there with the oddest of the odd. In February 2022, in the depths of a Canadian winter in  Nanaimo, British Columbia, resident Ms Bethany Coker, who works as a diesel mechanic, noticed some mud in the front seat of her car. 

Thinking it a bit odd, but deciding that someone must have broken in to the car and spent the night in her vehicle (its cold at night in February in Canada), she cleaned and steamed the upholstery, and then carried her life, thinking it was a one off event. However, three days after the mud event, she looked out at her car when finishing her shift at work, and noticed the windows of her car were all fogged up. So she went out to investigate, and when she opened the car and got in, she heard a muffled voice say "Hey" followed by.“'Hey can you let me out,’ and at first I thought someone was messing with me. So I pulled out my phone and I started filming.”

That’s when she discovered there was a naked man in her trunk (boot UK) and quickly realized that this man could have been in her car whiles she was driving going to work and doing errand about town for the last three days  DUH!  

“At first I thought someone was playing a prank on me, and then when I realized what was happening, I just kept my phone recording because I wasn’t too sure what was going to happen. I didn’t know who this guy was. I didn’t know if he was dangerous. And he’d been in my trunk for three days and didn’t say a single word.” Coker told the media.

“We’ve been to the grocery store together, we’ve got sushi together, gas together. We’ve been to work twice. Not a single word. He didn’t make a single noise, he didn’t say anything and like my car has loud exhaust and he was probably rolling around back there, like as I was driving around.”

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Removed  The Naked Man From Ms Coker's Car
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Removed
The Naked Man From Ms Coker's Car

When she realized it wasn’t a prank, she ran back in to work. “I slammed the door closed and I like sprint back to work and I’m like freaking out,” said Coker. She is heard shouting on the video that was still recording on her phone ... “There’s someone in my car, there’s someone in my car!!”

Co-workers rushed out to help until the police could arrive. Ms Coker had recorded some of the interaction with the man and after calling the police she also put it on social media, where it was seen over 16.8 million times, and according to Ms Coker giving her a new title. “The naked trunk lady.” She can be heard in one clip asking the man if he is naked, and him replying saying, “Yes, it’s a rite of passage.”

She described her call to the police, who apparently had trouble believing her “It was probably the most hysterical call I’ve ever been on,” she said. “They’re like, ‘What do you mean he’s been in your trunk for three days?’ And I’m like, ‘He’s been in my trunk for three days, please hurry up.'”

However Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers did attend, and reported that a man was arrested, but that as he had “significant health issues,” he had been passed to appropriate authorities to get the help he needed. CCTV cameras showed that he had indeed got into her car three days earlier.

She is definitely a kind hearted girl, because she said she was glad it was her who found him, despite realising how dangerous it could have been, as several on-line comments expressed that they would have used a gun. “Totally, a lot of people are like ‘I would have pulled out my gun’ and I’m like ‘oh my goodness no,'” 

The relatives of the man, who was having a mental health crisis, were also grateful that it was Ms Coker who found him, and not someone armed with a gun. Ms Coker said the man was getting treatment in the "psych ward!! He was a missing person apparently ... I found him LOL"

Finally Ms Coker said that her sharing the video, had also brought a surprising and heart-warming response from many women, who contacted her wanting to learn how to be mechanics like her.

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