
Friday 20 September 2024

Higher Or Lower Education?

Dr Anthony Butcher of Portsmouth University was lecturing a third year group of palaeontology students ......

You Can See Why It Was Named 'Scrotum Humanum'
You Can See Why It Was Named 'Scrotum Humanum'

on the importance of the worlds first dinosaur fossil using a drawing of the Megalosaurus femur leg bone, named 'Scrotum Humanum' in 1763, after being discovered in Oxfordshire, England in 1676 ....... because of what it looked like.

It was renamed 'Megalosaurus' in the 1800's when knowledge improved. He compared it with a photo of mammalian testes, to show why early scientists named it so .... as if anyone needed to guess.

But two of his students (sadly unnamed or photographed, but I could hazard a guess that they were from a certain group), complained afterwards. He has now been forced to remove the photo comparison from the lecture, despite as he pointed out "Its a palaeontology course. There's a lot of biology. The image was there as a comparison and wasn't gratuitous."

Every Male Mammal Has A Scrotum ... Even If They Are A Labour Party Female
Every Male Mammal Has Them .....

..... I guess its only a matter of time before female biology lessons will be banned, or more likely females from certain groups, banned from biology classes, whichever occurs to some backward group to first complain about. The university should have backed the professor and told the complainers that they had two choices, attend classes or find another institution that would pander to their prejudices.

We reap what we sow ......

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