
Friday, 27 December 2024

Ain't No Fat Cat No More

Everyone has heard that there are 'fat cats' in Washington .....

A Very Fat Washington Cat
A Very Fat Washington Cat

.... and they are there for sure, but not so much in Washington Sate, where in Union Gap there lived a very fat cat indeed .... a feline fat cat.

Named 'Piper', in February 2021 she weighed in at least  a very hefty (and unhealthy for a cat) 19lb (9kg), and possibly 26lbs (reports and Ms Wertenberger were coy on the matter ... a females weight and all that), but was content with her size (no body shaming here), with her owner Caitlyn Wertenberger. 

However in February 2021, Piper went missing and after a couple of days, Ms Wertenberger launched a 28-day search-and-rescue campaign, that involved posting flyers with Pipers picture and contact number and knocking on doors around her neighbourhood .... but to no avail.

However, despite this failure Ms Wertenberger hadn't quite given up hope yet, so when her new next door neighbours came around (having seen the flyers), five days after moving in to the property to say that they had been hearing mewing noises ever since they had moved in, and inviting her in to investigate, she tried hard to still her hopes.

"I didn't want to get my hopes up too much, just in case, you know. So, it was always kind of in my head that she possibly wasn't coming back but I still kind of had that feeling, you know, that she wasn't really gone yet."

The house had been vacant for some time prior to the new neighbours moving in, but Ms Wertenberger thought that "She's a big cat, I didn't think she could fit down a chimney." But a quick search confirmed that it was indeed piper stuck up the chimney. However Piper was eventually released without dismantling the new neighbours house and she was taken the the vet.

The veterinarian determined that Piper had lost around 7lbs, and was rather dehydrated following her mishap, but was otherwise in "excellent condition."  .... I am assuming that a vet wouldn't ever describe a 19lb cat as being in 'excellent condition' (typically, the ideal weight for the average healthy cat is 8-12 pounds), so a cat at 12lbs would be more likely to be described in those terms.

Carrying excess weight makes your cat much more likely to develop diabetes, urinary disease, arthritis, and to have a decreased life expectancy, so that involuntary diet may well have given Piper several ore years of life.

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