
Friday, 6 December 2024

Florida Madness And Mayhem

Anyone who reads this blog regularly, knows that I have a particular soft spot for Florida and South Wales stories (particularly women). 

Dawn LaShawn Laprade
Dawn LaShawn Laprade

So no apologies for this tale from May 2022.On Wednesday the 17th of May 2022, Dawn LaShawn Laprade a 54 year old Vero Beach South Florida resident, led police on a five-mile car chase in Martin County. Ironically it all started as police authorities were trying to pull over another car, however she apparently thought they were after her and as the police came up, she slammed her brakes on and caused a police officer to swerve. 

He pulled up beside her, when she intentionally swerved over and tried to hit his bike according to Martin County Sheriff William Snyder. ‘He actually had jump off to not get hit.’ Laprade then sped off again and tried to hit three police vehicles. She proceeded to crash into a civilian car that flipped and injured three people .... forced out of her vehicle, she approached the police and then she threw what looked like a real snake at a deputy officer, just before the officer put his gun back into its holster. 

However the officer showing admirable restraint didn't pull out the firearm again but he does pull out a taser and ended it by tasering Ms Laprade. The snake, was later found to be made of rubber. She was arrested at the scene and faced multiple charges including four counts of aggravated assault on a police officer, as well as eluding and fleeing as well as charges relating to the three people injured in the flipped vehicle. 

Laprade was booked into a jail and being held on a $90,000 bond. Martin County Sheriff William Snyder said afterwards ‘I think one of the takeaways from this whole thing, is that there’s nothing routine about a routine traffic stop.’ .... not in Florida.

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