Thursday, 26 June 2008
Browns Britain part 2 - English White Men Outlawed
Yep, I kid you not, it will be legal to turn white men down for jobs, in favour of women and ethnic minorities, (presumably white Scots, Irish and Welsh men will qualify as minorities, so it will only be white Englishmen who can be legally discriminated against).
Apart from the obvious dangers of enshrining the principle of discrimination in to law, (after all isn't this how the Nazi's started?), it seems to be against every aspect of the Human rights act to allow this kind of nonsense. Any White Englishman voting for Labour, is like a Turkey voting for Christmas, and remember this, once this accepted as principle, then it depends only upon which party is in power to change it from White Englishmen to Blacks or Asians .... what's the difference in principle .... only skin colour?
Also politically, it beggars belief that this bunch of halfwits can come up with another vote winner such as this, until you note that it's Harriet Harman who is bringing it forward. Then it all makes horrible sense.
Brown's cabinet of pygmies never fails to deliver winning policies, after winning policies.
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Its a Pucking World

Dreamberry Wine Cover
We are the same here in the U.S.A.
ReplyDeleteSlowly, but surely, the white male is being outlawed. The list is becoming longer of the things that the white male cannot say, do, think, possess nor hear.
There was a push, albeit an ineffective push, some time ago to abolish government mandated "affirmative action" in which ability is trumped by ethnicity.
Currently, the Democratic leadership of our Congress is trying to enact previously outlawed legislation that would provide for "equal time" on the radio waves of America simply because talk radio is heavily slanted to the conservative right. The "Fairness Doctrine" they call it. Under our 200+ year vision of democracy, the market gives what the market wants.
Why change the "market" by forcing something upon us which we do not desire? Why legislate opinion on the radio? Don't like it when you hear criticisms of your OWN idiotic statements?
Does fascism come to mind? Marxism?
Barack Obama recently repeated, bastardized and in my opinion plagiarized a sentence from poet June Jordan's poem about South African women by saying, "We are the ones we have been waiting for."
Sinister and chilling in the current political environment here in America.
These "ones" want to level the playing field by taking from the "haves" and giving to the "have nots" even if the "have nots" have contributed nothing to improve themselves nor lift themselves up and build something new.
Under that scheme, why would I be inspired or motivated to create jobs or products or services for others if my government is simply going to redistribute my own personal gains?
Robin Hood?
We could live without.
The only thing we are allowed to do is pay the taxes that support all the welfare the minorities require to enable them to 'compete' with white males.
ReplyDeleteThe west is going through a form of madness in which its apparently trying to eradicate its culture.
I note only that this destruction seems to be in parallel with the rise of feminism, gay rights and affirmative action.