A sad sign of the times in the UK ....Two Christians claim a police community support officer officer told them to stop leafleting in an area of east Birmingham where many Muslims live. They claimed he warned them to leave the area, saying: "If you come back here and get beat up, well you have been warned."
Last time I checked Muslims were free to proselytise their creed on our streets, and even preach hate from the mosques, but apparently two Christians in a Non-Muslim country are told by police officers that if they get beat up by Muslims for performing a legal activity then its their own fault.
Did I miss the moment when Sharia laws came into force in the UK, or when being a Christian was made a criminal offence?
Could someone tell me to which Mosque I should now report to pay my Jizya taxes?
It was only a month or so ago that we were told that the Bishop of Rochester's claim that there were 'Muslim No Go Areas' being set up was 'rubbish' .... well if Christians being threatened with arrest by a community police officer because they are in a Muslim area isn't a 'No Go Area' then what is?
Welcome to the reality of the New Labour Britain with its PC peace officers enforcing the Islamification of parts of the UK. If Gordon Brown wants to know why the UK is not going to vote for him, this little story gives him a few clues.
PS: To illustrate that this attitude by the police that we should change our lives to accomodate Islam is not just in the Midlands, this story of a motorist told to hide his England flag (The cross of St George) because it could offend Muslims was also out this week.
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