My favourite part of the Politically Correct lunatic fringe, aka The Church of England have been quiet of late, "too damn quiet Carruthers!", but just when I thought they had got a grip and were lost to me forever, they have two bursts of lunacy in a week. Bravo!!
Firstly, they have decided that membership of the perfectly legal, but far right British National Party, is now illegal for clergy and lay employees of the C of E. Oddly membership of the Communist Party was never a hindrance to being a clergyman as this communist party article suggests. The BNP as far as I know believe in a God, or at least don't not believe in a God, whereas the Communists are atheists and actively killed Christians in Russia, Poland, and Eastern Europe.
Secondly, a maverick in the Synod, is trying to make them actually admit that trying to convert non Christians such as Muslims is actually a requirement of the Christian and the C of E. This has caused paroxysms of fear, because as we all know, only Muslims are allowed to convert people in the UK, where as converts away from Christianity are given death threats (even in the UK) and have to go into hiding or be killed.
The C of E wants to befriend its new masters in the mosques, so critics of the plan say raising the issue will simply serve to damage the Church's relations with members of other religions, including Muslims.
The motion of traditionalist Mr Eddy, is intended to tackle what he sees as a liberal drift in the Church ,by challenging the synod to confirm a traditional, if sometimes uncomfortable, duty.
I watch with some glee, and much anticipation, as the C of E continues its collapse into a gay club with prayers.
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