Saturday, 25 July 2009
The Road to Hell is Pathed with Good Intentions
But one Christian organisation in particular, always attracts my interest, and that's the homocentric, decrepit and moribund Church of England. Just recently they have been out of the news and my interest had waned somewhat, but now they have a "cunning plan" to get more people into Churches ...... under this new plan, unmarried couples with children will now be able to baptise their children and get married at the same time. Wow, lets throw that Bible out again!
The Church says it is responding to a real demand, and denies that the change will undermine its teaching on the sinfulness of sex outside of marriage..... but then why worry about that, when 'Gay' Bishops abound within the church?
Yes the homosexual clerics row still rumbles on, with the lifting of a temporary ban on appointing gay bishops in the US, causing more cracks to appear in the plaster that the C of E tried to put over the issue. This could lead to an increase in support for a motion at the Church of England's General Synod, to declare fellowship with the breakaway Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). The ACNA is a union of traditionalist groups which split from the Episcopal Church.
What a shambles ...... it’s because the C of E can't stick to even the Bible as 'The Word' of its God, that its such an irrelevance to so many in the UK. The Catholics and Muslims have no problem with keeping the basic message the same (whether you agree with it or not) but the C of E is heading inexorably in to becoming a PC parody of a religious organisation, headed by a vociferous sexual minority & with no sense of moral purpose anymore.
Religions aren't meant to follow the latest Western social trends.
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Dreamberry Wine Cover
You can't make up the troubles that the Episcopalians have got themselves into over here (splits everywhere) .... I was going to say that they covet their n eighbours asses but an english friend said that "not knowing their arses from their elbows" would be better for a UK site.
ReplyDeleteAye, If they were coveting neighbours asses they would have moved another step nearer to hell ;-)