Monday, 28 September 2009
Broken Britain - Barwell in Leicestershire
So easy is it to find these stories, that I hardly bother to report them .......... however, one so terrible in its human consequence, and so lacking in its official response has come to light today, nearly 18 months after the events took place, that I feel compelled to pass it on immediately.
Fiona Pilkington, a single mother of two handicapped children lived in the small Leicestershire village of Barwell. On the face of it, the village is genteel and passes this face to the world, but in fact whole streets are ruled by gangs of teen thugs, confident in the certain knowledge that the council, courts and police can do nothing to them.
These street scum discovered the family of Mrs Pilkington as early as 1992, and over a final period of 11 months (there had been decades of torment), they targeted them to near nightly attacks, while the rest of the street stood by and the police did nothing. In fact the police chose to treat each incident reported as 'separate and distinct' rather than the obviously sustained and persistent attack on the Pilkington family, that the attacks obviously were.
According to reports, most of the gang coalesced about the members of a few 'troublesome' families, who apparently are above (or even protected) by the law. The local Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council acknowledges that there are continuing problems from the same families.
In 2007, when these final terrible events took place, the council spoke to four families about their children, but one family refused to meet them and continued to cause trouble, with apparent impunity. "Throughout this tragic case, this family still continue to cause trouble to this day," community safety manager Ron Grantham told the inquest. "One of the particular offenders of anti-social behaviour continued to cause problems, it's not just one, it's members of the family." This family, have been identified as the Simmons family by one left wing newspaper, the rest have not risked it.
He conceded the case had not "put confidence" in what the police and council do, but said they had introduced "an awful lot of ways to stop anti-social behaviour". Although what these "awful lot of ways are" are, and why families on these streets are still apparently terrified, two years later, is not explained by Mr Grantham. Nor is the fact that, despite the Simmons family being 'council tenants' they have not been evicted, in spite of years of 'troublesome' behaviour.
One of the braver residents described the gangs in the area as "And they've got this look on them where 'You can't touch me... because of all these politics and rules you can't touch me, we can do what we want'." .... The gang's leader used to shout at the Pilkington house: "We can do anything we like and you can't do anything about it."
And the terrible human consequences alluded to at the start of this article?
Mrs Pilkington, so despairing of any official help, after an attempt by these thugs to force themselves into her house one night, got into her scratched and battered car with her 18-year-old daughter Francecca, and drove to a local wood, and there she set fire to the car with herself and her daughter inside.
They both died this terrible death, rather than live in the Britain being created by PC politicians, who put the 'human rights' of these scum, above the rights of a law abiding and loving parent, such as Fiona Pilkington.
The Police response to these terrible events of 18 months ago? Well Chris Tew, the former Assistant Chief Constable of Lincolnshire told the inquest, "Things have moved on quite considerably - there would be a totally different response today than there was then."
The arrogance in this last remark is quite astounding, considering the fact that the gangs are still patrolling the area untouched by police or council, with the law abiding cowering behind their curtains awaiting the bricks or stones coming through.
Perhaps the saddest aspects of this story is that there are elderly or disabled people across the estates of the UK, who are living the experiences of Mrs Pilkington, and where are their voices amongst the hand wringing? Nowhere to be heard.
Will anything change for them? No, no laws will be amended, nothing will be done to really tackle these "troublesome" families, and Britain will continue to sink into the cesspool that PC politicians deem to be its only future.
It's enough to make you despair ..... politicians in the UK will reap what they are sowing by their inaction.
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I see that the Home secretary Alan Johnstone has suddenly decided that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable ..... what the hell have this government been doing for the last 13 yrs except cultivate families like the Simmonses
ReplyDeleteWe made the Scumbag Simmons family. Now let's unmake them
ReplyDeleteMilitary style punitive measures will be the only way we are ever going to drag this country back in to some state of decency. The lunatic lefty libertarians have all but destroyed Britain with their constant meddling. As a result we are seeing incidents like baby Peter and the Pilkingtons time and time again. Labours legacy will be that they gave us the most feral and anti-social society we have ever experienced. These scum bag familys like the Simmons's don't represent me as an English person, they should bloody-well be ashamed of themselves. When I was young bullies were dealt with quickly by the rest of us, and didn't ever do it again!
ReplyDeleteI hope and pray the law changes it's limp wristed ways and starts to actually act once again like a proper Police force, there only for the public and not it's own purposes.
Can't say that I disagree with any of these comments. It's just so sad, that the 'Chav' (or 'Neds' in Scotland) are allowed to ruin the lives of thousands, simply because we lack the will to say "No" and enforce it to these animal 'families'.