Saturday, 2 January 2010
Same Old Crap As Last Year
Yesterday a Somali linked to the radical Islamist al-Shabab militia was shot and wounded after unsuccessfully attempting to hack danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard to death in his home. Mr Westergaard, is famous for being one of the *cartoonists in the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten, "Mohammed" row.
While in Pakistan a suicide bomber decided to take a short cut to paradise by killing over 90 people and injuring hundreds, by blowing them and himself up at a volleyball game.
Now if anyone can explain to me what sort of 'paradise' is it, when it's packed with mass murderers, and why any good person would want to share it with them then I would be grateful, because its obvious that I and billions of non believers, are completely missing the point. And so apparently are the 'martyrs' if this report on a fundamental translation error in the Quran is true (it was written in Syriac and Aramaic before being translated into Arabic later).
A self professed 'religion of peace' (aka 'submission'), yet its killed many thousands (mostly of its own adherents) in the last couple of years (ignoring the millions over the centuries) and says the killers are welcomed by its god..... whats that all about?
I was trawling through a list of incidents (and its a very big list but by no means exhaustive) and the sheer horror of some of the attacks is almost unbelievable, when I noticed this one.
"2009.07.02: London - A 24-year-old Danish Asian man is blinded, suffers the loss of his tongue and 90% burns during an 'honor' attack in which he was forced to drink acid and had it thrown on him by angry Muslims." - he was also stabbed twice and beaten.
I didn't remember this in the news ....... so I checked it out.
First the BBC, surely such a horrific crime would be fully reported? Actually no, barely a few paragraphs on the England news web pages. Absolutely no mention that the attackers of the Danish Asian man were of Pakistani descent and performing an 'honour' attack. No follow up stories.
Well maybe some other major news group?
Err no, to get a full report on this horror event I had to go to The London Paper which gave details of this barbaric crime. With a police warning for the safety of the young woman involved after the attack about the liklihood that her own male relatives would do the same to her.
To me this lack of coverage speaks volumes.
On any level a crime of such medieval barbarism should get major coverage, but apparently either in the UK this sort of crime is so common that its not shocking or newsworthy enough, or the UK press is now in 'Dhimmitude' and refuses to report certain 'multicultural' crimes?
I guess I know which I believe to be true ...........
* Warning: These links may offend Muslims.
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Dreamberry Wine Cover
That such a crime could occur in the UK and get no coverage is deeply shocking. I am truly appalled that our country has fallen to this level.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading the post, err, we vote for these politicians who allow this to happen, so we can hardly complain about the results.