
Friday 14 September 2018

When Squirrels Attack

In one of those stories that you have to read twice to be sure you understood it correctly ....

When Squirrels Attack ..... They Could Be Hungry ......

..... reports from Germany in August 2018, said that the German police in the south-western city of Karlsruhehad, had to go to the rescue of a man who had called in to report that he was being chased by a baby squirrel.

Not a full grown, 10 to 12 inch (25 to 30 cm), and Maximum of 1 lb, 12 oz (400 and 800 gram) adult squirrel .... No, we are talking about a fighting bundle of red furred fury, but baby, squirrel about 6 to 8 inches in body size.

Police arrived on the scene promptly, and were surprised to find that the tiny creature was still terrorising the caller. However before they had time to draw their weapons to take down the tiny tot of terror, it promptly fell asleep. The police rescued the civilian, and arrested the squirrel. Squirrels (a bit like ducks) it seems, can chase after human beings when in need of food or help, and a police spokeswoman, Christina Krenz, told the press that squirrels that have lost their mothers can focus their attention on one person as a replacement.

Diplomatically she added that "It can be pretty scary," and that the caller "was certainly feeling a bit threatened". The police, unfazed by their prisoners violent past, reportedly made the persistent rodent their new mascot, with the name of Karl-Friedrich. He's being cared for in a local sanctuary.

Now I know what your thinking .... and yes, squirrels can be very aggressive. In the UK there have been occasional reports of squirrel attacks ... but mostly on children. But these can be a more serious incident such in 2002, when a grey squirrel in Knutsford, Cheshire, which had already attacked a man mowing his lawn, and woman walking down the local street, then sank its teeth into a two-year-old child. Her granddad shot it dead, after local authorities and the RSPCA showed no interest.

In July 2017, New York warned people visiting Prospect Park in Brooklyn to be on the lookout for an "unusually aggressive" squirrel which they suggested might also be rabid. It had already attacked at least five people at the park, all of whom were told to seek medical attention. But New Yorkers are tougher than Germans it seems, as one park user told the New York Post ... "I'm not gonna sit there and be a victim of some squirrel. Between me and my dog, we could take the squirrel." But in Russia, I'm not so sure that a New Yorker and her dog would be quite so smug.

Killer Squirrels Can Be Quite Big ......

In 2005 an attack by a number of  squirrels on a stray dog was reported in parkland in the centre of Lazo, a village in the pacific Maritime Territory, and was witnessed by three local people. They said that the dog had been barking at them, when they suddenly descended and attacked and killed the dog .... a local journalist, Anastasia Trubitsina, told Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. "They literally gutted the dog. When they saw the men, they scattered in different directions, taking pieces of their kill away with them."  A local man said there had been "no pine cones at all" in the local forests this year, and that "the poor little beasts are agitated because they have nothing to eat."  Mikhail Tiyunov, a scientist in the region, although sceptical of the reports said "If it really happened, things must be pretty bad in our forests."


  1. The squirrel could have been after his nuts.

    1. Ha Ha ha .... I am kicking myself in the nuts for missing that one. Thanks for the comment Hazel.


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