
Friday 28 September 2018

Ideological Clashes

I am a sucker for these types of weird electoral battles and name coincidence stories ....

Hitler Versus Lenin - A Battle Of Wills

So when I read that an unusual mayoral race was under way, it reminded me of other odd reports that I have posted on before.

The race that has attracted mine, and some press interest is/was taking place in the town of Yunger, Peru where the mayoral race features one unlikely named candidate, and where a local with an equally unlikely name has objected.Yes folks, I give you yet another ideological struggle between Communism and National Socialism .... Hitler versus Lenin. Which makes a nice change from Nicholas II versus Lenin.

Hitler has already served as mayor of Yungar between 2011 and 2014, but had his candidacy for head of the administrative district challenged by local villager Lenin, who pointed out that the politician lives several hours away from the municipality he wants to govern.

Actually I don't know what their political affinities are, but with the names Hitler Alba Sanchez and Lenin Vladimir Rodriguez Valverde its a pity to ruin the story. Mr Sanchez was named by his father who didn't know who Hitler was, but thought it sounded like a nice foreign name. Mr Valverde was presumably deliberately named after the Communist leader.

Hitler Slogans Not Popular With Lenin

Lenin's demand that Hitler be removed from the running was eventually rejected, and the election will go ahead with Hitler trying win votes with snappy slogans including 'Hitler is for the People' and 'Hitler is confidence,' among others.

Mr Sanchez is, unlike his father, aware of who his namesake was, and is campaigning under the moniker "I'm the good Hitler!"..... all this does is remind us once again that Euro-centric history is just that. It makes little impact outside of our culture.

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