
Friday 25 October 2019

Slow Death

Researchers from Dukes University in North Caolina, USA, have determined that people who walk slowly in middle age ....

Ambling To An Early Grave?
Ambling To An Early Grave?

....  face a greater risk of dying early or suffering serious illness.

Not only that but they have worse memories, weaker hands, immune systems, lungs, and even smaller brains, along with other signs of accelerated ageing, like rapid deterioration of multiple organ systems and facial ageing. With a mean difference of 16 IQ points observed, between the slowest and the fastest walkers.

They define slow walking as a speed below 4.5mph (2 meters per second), which the report says is the on the road to an early grave.

Fast Walks Forward To Good Health
Fast Forward To Good Health  ......

The answer is to exercise more, eat healthily and get your walking speed up to 7.8 mph (3.5m per sec). The study is based upon following 904 volunteers living in New Zealand from birth (how did they give consent?), to date, where they are all aged 45 .... I have to assume that they started with more than 904, else how do they know the slow ones are going to die any earlier if all the study group are still alive? ....

.... But then I am no boffin (as the UK red top press routinely describe scientists), so what do I know?

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