
Friday 7 January 2022

Condiment Of The Century

We Brits usually like to add a little something to our meals ..... 
Condiments Added To Every Meal In UK
Condiments Added To Every Meal In UK
 .... some (like the French), would say its because our food is so poor. 
But we would say that we are simply more adventurous than other nations in our eating tastes, with nearly 50 per cent of us using a condiment on every meal (usually salt and vinegar on chips etc).  Now a poll by Perspectus Global has produced a list of our favourites:
All The UK's Favourite Condiments
All The UK's Favourites
  1. Tomato Ketchup - 50 per cent of vote (has to be Heinz in my world).
  2. Mayonnaise.
  3. BBQ Sauce.
  4. Salad Cream.
  5. Mint Sauce.
  6. Malt Vinegar.
  7. Brown Sauce.
  8. Soy Sauce.
  9. Burger Relish.
  10. English Mustard.

The poll also uncovered some of our strange habits .... 18 per cent of us smear BBQ sauce on cold pizza slices, while 8 per cent have mint sauce with a curry. 

Even more oddly 11 per cent said that they spread Mayonnaise on Toast (I can't say too much, as I spread tomato ketchup topped with white pepper on crisp toast .... a teenage dope munchies hangover!). Whilst this list is just the top ten, other favourites included Worcestershire Sauce (one of mine), Piccalilli, and Tartar Sauce. At number 19 was Sriracha (a hot chilli sauce apparently), which I hadn't head of until this poll .... but I was surprised that Piri Piri sauce wasn't in the top ten. 

This list seemingly settles the debate over which is more popular, if not better, Mayonnaise, or Salad Cream ... but its a fair bet that most of us will have used a number of these food additions over the last two weeks, and in manners that would surprise others.   


  1. On a bacon butty it has to be brown sauce. No further discussion needed.

    1. My late dad was always a brown sauce man ("Daddies Sauce", when it was still owned by HP Foods Ltd/Groupe Danone, and not H.J. Heinz). I have never taken to it, despite some attempts over the years. Thanks for the comment, I always appreciate them.


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