
Friday 21 January 2022

First Love Is The Deepest

I still have my first teddy bear ...

You Can Take Keeping Teddy Too Far .....

There I said it.

I am not ashamed to tell you this and freely admit that I could never throw him away, even as I grew out of his bedtime company, and he now lives sitting on top of my bedroom wardrobe .... so he hasn't moved too far away really.

But I am not alone in this love of my teddy, with apparently 3.5 million British men still having their own beloved cuddly toy of babyhood, at least according to a survey by I would bet that this figure would be even higher, if many men weren't embarrassed out of their teddy bears by their wives or girlfriends.

Even so, 83 per cent of those who admitted keeping their cuddly toy were not embarrassed about doing so (good for them) and 14 per cent said that they wished it was more accepted for men to admit to doing so. The principal reason given for keeping teddy was that it brought back childhood memories while the next most popular reason was that it reminded them of the loved ones who gave t too them (mainly mom and dad), especially if they had since passed away.


  1. Lots of men secretly keep teddy. I have still have rupert in a cupboard in my bedroom. My wife tolerates it but laughs when she comes across it. I dont care!

    1. Haha Glad you felt able to come out of the cupboard John, even if it sounds as though 'Rupert' doesn't.


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